Princess of Barkingburg & Katie | Magic Playing Girls

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where the Silver Manta Ray lands near the castle as the Princess of Barkingburg and Sweetie come outside)

Princess of Barkingburg: (eagerly) Oh boy, she's here!

Sweetie: Princess, why did you convince Mason to do this again?

Princess of Barkingburg: He was the only other one I knew who could fly Katie's group over, also I didn't wanna disturb Ryder!

(the Silver Manta Ray opens before Mason assist Katie, Cali, and Gasket exit before letting Mirage ride on his shoulder)

Princess of Barkingburg: Katie, so good seeing you again!

Katie: (giggles) You too princess!

Gasket: Hello!

Cali: Hi!

Princess of Barkingburg: Good seeing you Gasket and Cali, it's great seeing you, but I'm still not used to hearing you talk!

Cali: (shrugs) Fair enough!

Mason: Silver Manta Ray! (the vehicle reverts to portable size which Mason then picks up)

Princess of Barkingburg: Mirage could we both please have a blessing?

Mirage: (nods) (works some magic)

(scene changes to the Princess of Barkingburg and Katie playing with their basic genie powers)

Gasket: (to Sweetie) You gotta admit, this is interesting to watch!

Sweetie: (to Gasket) True, but there are other things as well!

Princess of Barkingburg: (whispers to Katie) How about we melt into puddles for fun?

Katie: (giggles and nods)

(Katie melts into a pink and yellow puddle while the Princess of Barkingburg melts a gray and white puddle)

Cali: (faints upon seeing Katie melt)

Gasket: I gotta admit Katie, you look cute as a puddle!

Sweetie: I also must admit princess, you also look cute as a puddle!

Princess of Barkingburg and Katie: (try changing back but can't) Uh oh!

Gasket: Something wrong?

Princess of Barkingburg and Katie: we're stuck as puddles!

Princess of Barkingburg: How'd that happened? (has an idea) Let's try moving by slithering!

Katie: (surprised) We can do that?

Princess of Barkingburg: (unsure) Maybe?

Katie: Also that sounds kinda creepy about a slithering puddle!

Princess of Barkingburg: Fair enough!

Mirage: (walks over sniffing the puddles)

Katie: Mirage, what are you doing?

Mirage: Best I can tell you need a tickle to change back or maybe I could try something?

Princess of Barkingburg and Katie: Could someone please tickle us?

Sweetie and Gasket: (grins) We'll do it! (walks over)

(Gasket and Sweetie use their tails to tickle their owners)

Princess of Barkingburg and Katie: (laughing) That really tickles! (reverts to normal but with their genie outfits and hairstyles)

Katie and Princess of Barkingburg: (notices) Oh! We changed to our genie styles!

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