Marshall x Everest | Invisible Evershall

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Everest is visiting while both she and Marshall are in their genie outfits)

Skye: (curiously) So Everest, why are you wearing your genie outfit?

Everest: (blushes) I kinda have to admit, this is really comfy, durable, stretchy!

Skye: (giggles) True!

Marshall: (walks over wearing a top hat and his genie outfit) Hi everyone, I'd like to show you a magic trick!

Mirage: (walks over)

Marshall: Mirage, could I please have a blessing?

Mirage: Sure! (gives one to Marshall then Everest)

Everest: (notices her arm) (surprised) Huh?

Mirage: Thought you might enjoy it too!

Everest: (touched) Thanks Mirage!

Marshall: Thank you Mirage!

Mirage: No sweat guys!

Marshall: Please watch as I pull a rabbit out of my top hat!

Mirage: Which he got from me a few minutes ago!

Marshall: (nods) Thanks for the hat Mirage!

Mirage: No problem!

Ryder: Let's see it Marshall!

Other pups: (eagerly) Yeah!

Everest: (smiles and nods)

Marshall: I'll do my best! (with his top hat lying in front of him) Hocus Pocus! (sneezes) Achoo!

(puff of red mist)

Everyone: (surprised) Whoa!

Mirage: (claps her paws to make the mist vanish) Tada!

Ryder and Pups: Thanks Mirage!

Mirage: (bows) You're welcome!

Skye: (looks around) Say we're missing two pups!

Rubble: We are? (looks at the stage) Where's Marshall!?

Chase: (looks at the group) And Everest!?

Everest and Marshall's voices: What are you guys talking about, we're still here?

Skye: (confused) Huh? Where are you then?

Marshall's voice: Where are you Everest?

Everest's voice: I never moved!

Mirage: (walks over and taps the spot Everest was sitting in)

Everest's voice: (laughs) Mirage, you tickling my belly!

Mirage: Oh! You must be invisible!

Marshall: Oops! My sneeze must've messed up my trick!

Mirage: I got this! (summons a bag of flour)

Rocky: Is that a bag of flour?

Ryder, Chase, and Skye: (realizes) Uh oh! (moves back)

(explosion of flour)

Pups: (surprised) Gah!

(scene the reveals all but Skye, Ryder, and Chase covered with flour)

Rocky: Oh no!

Rubble: (chuckles) We look like ghost pups!

Skye: Except us!

Chase: We got back in time!

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