Princess of Barkingburg & Katie | Genie Beach Girls with Gasket

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(scene opens to Adventure Beach on a summer day where an undressed Gasket is relaxing on Katie who changed into a pink and yellow beach while being in the shade of the Princess of Barkingburg who changed into a white and gray umbrella)

Gasket: (enjoying herself) I've gotta admit, this is life!

Ryder: (walks over) Gasket, why are you laying on Katie while the Princess of Barkingburg is your umbrella?

Gasket: (offended) Hey! I didn't do anything wrong, Ryder! (to Katie and Princess of Barkingburg) Could one of you please tell him?

Princess of Barkingburg: (reverts to normal and now wearing swimsuit) It's okay Ryder, Gasket comes in peace! In fact she was invited!

Ryder: (confused) Who invited her?

Katie: (reverts to normal and now wearing swimsuit) The same one who restored our shape shifting powers!

Gasket: (surprised) Eep!

Katie: Sorry Gasket!

Gasket: (embarrassed) I was just surprised that you changed back without warning, while I'm still on your back!

Katie: (giggles) That's okay girl!

Ryder: What are you doing here anyway, Gasket?

Gasket: Can't a girl enjoy a peaceful day at the beach with her associates!

Mirage: (walks over) How are you girls doing?

Princess of Barkingburg: We're doing alright, I must admit it's quite interesting to be an umbrella!

Katie: I feel the same way about being a beach towel!

Gasket: (looks around) Where's Mason?

Mirage: He was dealing with a pair of uninvited guests!

Two voices: Whoa! Oof!

(the group looks back find a pair of monsters)

Group: (surprised) Monsters!

Princess of Barkingburg: My word! Where did they come from?

Mirage: Their names are Smokescreen and Meteor!

Katie: (calmly) We remember them, Mirage! But where did they come from?

Mirage: (shrugs) A rift, teleportation, or space travel?

Ryder: What do you two want?

Smokescreen: Nobody will stop us!

Meteor: Yeah! Nobody will- (kicked off screen by Mason) Oof!

Others: (winches) That had to hurt!

Mirage: (snickers) That's what Mason was doing with extra help from the ox, horse, and dog talismans!

(Meteor thrown overhead and into the water)

Meteor: (surprised) Whoa!

Sound: (splash)

Gasket: Hm? Very creative method!

Princess of Barkingburg: Yeah!

Katie: Agreed!

Smokescreen: (to Mason) Bring it on!

Mason: (cracks knuckles)

(Smokescreen if thrown overhead)

Smokescreen: (surprised) Whoa!

Meteor: (surfaces) I'm okay!

Smokescreen's voice: Lookout!

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