Chase x Skye | Royal Knight Chase Returns

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(scene opens to Barkingburg where the Princess of Barkingburg is welcome back Ryder and all six of his pups)

Princess of Barkingburg: Paw Patrol, it is so great seeing you again!

Ryder: It's great seeing you too princess, let's just hope you cousin and Claw don't try anything like last time!

Princess of Barkingburg: I wouldn't worry about them for a while!

Chase: (confused) How come?

Princess of Barkingburg: I called over Mirage, Mason, and Melody an hour before you all came over!

Skye: (curiously) Why did you call them?

Princess of Barkingburg: Just wanted to make sure my cousin didn't cause any trouble! I asked Mason if he could try his best to keep my naughty cousin from bothering us!

(Melody walks out from behind the throne with Mirage on her back)

Princess of Barkingburg: I invited the sweet girls over for a bit of tea!

Melody: (nods) Mason's still got a Paw Ultimatrix, creature power suit, plus magic satchel on hand so he's well prepared!

Chase: I wonder how Mason could handle those guys?

(scene changes to the Duke of Flappington, Jean-Claude, and Claw in the woods while Sparks is sleeping by the eagle jet)

Claw: Why do we have to be out here again?

Duke of Flappington: Because you and your dragon lost Excalibark on our way over!

Claw: How was I to know it wouldn't stay in place!? Besides, we both know it's a fake!

Duke of Flappington: I know that, but nobody else does! (looks around) Plus Mason could be spying on us without us even knowing!

(scene changes to Mason as XLR8 arriving in Flappington)

XLR8: (speedily looks all around and not finding the Duke's team) Hm? They're not here, I wonder where they're hiding?

(scene changes to after the Duke of Flappington's group has found the fake Excalibark and now near the road to Barkingburg)

Claw: Why did we put a lot of rubber cement on the road again?

Duke of Flappington: Knowing my cousin, she might've asked Mason to keep an eye on us!

Sound: (whoosh)

XLR8's voice: Whoa!

Sound: (splat)

(the group looks up finding XLR8 stuck to the road)

Claw: We've caught Mason!

XLR8: (angry hisses) You won't restrain me for long!

Duke of Flappington: (concerned) Let's get going before Mason gets himself unstuck!

Claw: (concerned) Good idea!

(the group flees leaving XLR8 by himself)

(XLR8 makes sure nobody is around and snaps his fingers making all the rubber cement vanish and sent back like it was never used in the first place)

XLR8: Glad nobody was around to see that! (glares at the fleeing group) Not over yet!

(scene changes to the Duke of Flappington and Claw flying off on the eagle jet and Sparks)

Claw: Duke are you sure Mason won't get out?

Duke of Flappington: I know for a fact rubber cement won't hold him long, so let's get going! (has an idea) I'm flying with you on Sparks, Claw! Jean-Claude, you fly the eagle jet away from Barkingburg to distract Mason!

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