Mirage x Liberty | Invisible Girlfriends after Marshall's Magic Trick

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(scene opens to Marshall on a stage with a top hat and cap as his friends including Cali, Liberty, and Mirage)

Ryder: So Marshall, deciding to try your genie magic again buddy?

Marshall: (nods) I really wanna amaze you guys!

Chase: You do need to amaze us Marshall!

Skye: Yeah!

Marshall: I know, but I really wanna impress my friends!

Mirage: Allow me! (walks over and gives him a blessing) Just a little boost!

Marshall: (touched) Thanks Mirage!

Liberty: (giggles) Nice one Mirage!

Mirage: Thanks Libby!

Liberty: (playfully) Libby?

Mirage: (blushes) Sorry Liberty!

Cali: (giggles) I think it's quite a cute name for Liberty!

Liberty: (giggles) Same! (playfully tackles Mirage and kisses her)

Pups: Aww! So sweet!

Cali: (giggles)

Marshall: Yeah! Now I shall make them both levitate! Abra Kadabra! (sneezes)

(Liberty and Mirage both go poof)

Marshall: (shocked) gasps) Oh no! They're gone!

Mirage's voice: (giggles) I'm not gone Marshall, I'm invisible!

Liberty's voice: Oh! Same here!

Marshall: So you're both okay?

Mirage and Liberty: Yep! (giggles)

Marshall: Phew! I'm so sorry, I'll fix this!

Mirage: No sweat, I'm magic so I'll bring us back later!

Liberty: Later?

Mirage: Don't you wanna have fun my genie pup girlfriend)

Liberty: (giggles) Sure!

(both walk off without anyone knowing)

Marshall: Mirage, Liberty? Where are you two? (feels around)

Mirage: (Everest's voice) Marshall, why are you touching my tummy?

Marshall: (shocked gasps) Everest is that you!?

Mirage: (Everest's voice) Yep! I showed up here with no warning and for some reason I'm invisible!

Marshall: Don't worry Everest, I'll change you back!

Skye: Marshall, how do you know this isn't just Mirage making herself sound like Everest?

Liberty: (laughing) Nice one girlfriend!

Marshall: (surprised) Liberty, is that you?

Liberty: Yep! My girlfriend Mirage was just playing around sounding like Everest!

Mirage: (Everest's voice) Sorry Marshall, I was just having a little fun!

Marshall: Oh! (embarrassed) I'm just glad I didn't make a mistake!

Mirage: You're good, Marshall!

Marshall: Okay!

Liberty: Mirage and I are off!

Skye: Later girls!

Liberty and Mirage: Later! (walks away without anyone knowing)

Marshall: Now that everything is okay, watch my next trick of pulling a bunny out of my top hat!

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