Skye & Everest | Genie Pups Lost in a Dark Cave

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(scene opens to Jake's mountain where Everest and Skye are approaching a familiar cave where Jake and Chase once checked out)

Skye: It was nice of Mirage giving us the blessing boost!

Everest: Yeah! This time we won't be using it to scare our friends!

Skye: (giggles) Yep!

(both summon spelunking gear)

Everest: Well, I'm ready! How about you Skye?

Skye: (chuckles) Yep!

Everest and Skye: Let's go exploring!

(both pups enter the cave before wondering where they should go)

Skye: Hm... which way?

Everest: Yep! (looks back and forth) Which way?

Sound: (cracking)

Everest: Do you hear a cracking sound Skye?

Skye: Yeah! You too?

Everest: Yep!

(the twosome look back finding the ground splitting open)

Skye and Everest: (worried) Uh oh!

(both pups fall into the crack)

Skye and Everest: (screams as they fall into pitch black cavern below)

Skye and Everest's voices: Oof!

(the crack closes and is healed by an unknown forces)

(scene changes to the eyes of Skye and Everest in a pitch black cave)

Skye: Uh oh! It sounds like the only way out, just closed up!

Everest: Something tells me that some unknown forces did that!

Skye: Yeah! Maybe Mason's elemental brawler buddies could've done this for a playful trick?

Everest: (shrugs) Maybe?

Skye: I just realized how are we gonna see, we've got no source of light!

Everest: Ooh! Why don't we change into lightbulbs!

Skye: Good idea!

(Skye transforms into a floating pink light bulb while Everest becomes a teal one)

Skye's voice: I just realized something!

Everest's voice: What's that Skye?

Skye's: We need electricity to work!

Everest's voice: What are we gonna do!?

Skye's voice: We need something to generate electricity!

Everest's voice: Ooh, ooh! I have an idea!

Skye: Go ahead Everest!

(scene changes to Everest in her pup form but instead of her normal nose she's got Skye in her lightbulb form in its place instead)

Skye's voice: (confused) Why am I in place of you nose Everest?

Everest's voice: That way I can light the way like Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer! But for me I'll be Everest the Lightbulb-nosed Husky!

Skye's voice: We're talking a nice long bath after this adventure!

Everest's voice: Agreed!

Skye and Everest's voices: (giggles)

Skye's voice: Why am I not lit?

Everest's voice: Hm? What was that one liner I heard from Mason?

Skye's voice: What are you talking about Everest?

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