Skye x Chase | Humanized First Date

195 4 1

(scene opens to the Lookout where the pups are eagerly playing together with a few visiting friends)

Zuma: Nice having you dudes over for a visit!

Tracker: Si! It's nice to come back for a visit, amigos!

Everest: I'm happy to come down for a visit!

Liberty: Me too pups!

Mirage: (walks over for a surgeon outfit) Zuma, it's time for your operation!

Zuma: (eyes widen) Dudette, I thought we decided to not do it!

Mirage: (shakes head) Nope, nobody said anything!

Liberty: (confused) What operation?

Zuma: (embarrassed) It was a temporary alteration of my voice so it'd be like it was from Season 1, dudes!

Mirage: Yep! He asked me to do it but forgot to decline!

Zuma: (tries backing up) Bye!

Mirage: Oh no you don't! (leaps at Zuma and both tumble offscreen)

Zuma: (pretends to be startled) Yipe!

(scene moves over to show Mirage now sitting on Zuma's chest while he's on his back which is preventing him from moving)

Zuma: (fake worriedly) Dude, please don't operate, I beg you dude!

Mirage: (playfully eye rolls) (summons a sewing needle and spiral of spider silk) I'm sorry but I'll need to operate on your throat!

Chase: (shouts) Mirage, stop! Zuma doesn't want this!

Mirage: (shrugs) (to Zuma) Time to operate! (makes sure the others are believing her bluff and gently puts her paw on Zuma's throat which glows for a brief moment) (secretly winks to Zuma confirming it's over) (makes her sewing needle and spiral of spider silk vanish)

Chase and Marshall: (tackles Mirage off Zuma) Stop Mirage!

Mirage: (surprised) Gah!

Zuma: (rubs his throat)

Liberty: (walks over) You okay Zuma?

Zuma: (nods)

Chase: Uh oh! (looks at Mirage) Mirage, why did you operate on him!?

Mirage: (calmly) Guys, when have I ever known to operate on someone!

Zuma: (chuckles) (Season 1 voice) Yeah dudes, this was all an act!

Pups: Oh!

Liberty: (intrigued) I have to admit, Zuma, you sound so cute with that voice!

Zuma: (blushes) Thanks Liberty!

Marshall: (confused) What about the needle and thread?

Mirage: I was bluffing! Besides, Marshall is more medical than I am!

Zuma: (Season 1 voice) Yep!

SKye; (giggles) Okay, now that was quite a performance!

Ryder: (walks over) (clapping) I have to admit, that was quite a performance you two!

Mirage and Zuma: Thanks Ryder!

Mirage: I'll change your voice back later, Zuma!

Zuma: (Season 1 voice) (nods) Okay dudette!

Mirage: (to both pups on her back) Guys?

Marshall and Chase: (realizes) (blushes) Sorry Mirage, you were very convincing! (gets off her)

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