Rocky x Gasket | Werepuppy Time in the Desert

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(scene opens to the Wingnuts Ranch where the Paw patrol are visiting the for Cowboy Day along with the Goodways)

Mr. Wingnut: (walks over) Great seeing you Paw Patrol!

(a dust devil goes past without warning and Mason, Mirage, and Dot appears)

Group: (surprised) Whoa!

Mr. Wingnut: (chuckles) Quite the entrance! (notices Dot) (screams) Werepuppy!

Dot: (calmly) I am a Lycan pup, not a werepuppy!

Mr. Wingnut: Oops! Sorry about that little lady!

Dot: No sweat! (uses amulet to revert to normal pup form)

Mr. Wingnut: Wow! Nice trick!

Dot: Thanks! (to Mason) Thank you for letting me tag along Mason!

Mason: Mirage and I are happy to invite you to join us!

Dot: (smiles upon hearing that)

Mayor Goodway: It feels like nothing will go wrong for Cowboy Day!

Julius and Julia: (eagerly) Yay!

(scene changes to nearby revealing the Ruff-Ruff Pack)

Hubcap: Looks like this place would be perfect to cause some...

Ruff-Ruff Pack: Wheel trouble!

Hubcap: Haha! Let's ride!

Dwayne: Sure thing Hubcap!

Hubcap and Dwayne: (ride off)

Gasket: (notices Rocky among the group and smiles) (quietly to self) Hello my beloved!

Hubcap's voice: (shouts) Come on Gasket!

Gasket: (remembers) Oh right, coming! (rides off to rejoin her group)

(scene changes to the Paw Patrol chasing off the Ruff-Ruff Pack again)

Mayor Goodway: Ha! And stay away you naughty biker pups! (hit in the face with a pie) Okay, who threw that?

Gasket: (snickers) I traded Mirage a treat for a blueberry pie to throw!

Mirage: (eats the very same pup treat) Yep! Fair trade!

Hubcap: You haven't seen the last of the Ruff-Ruff Pack!

Dwayne: Be Mirage, Mason, Dot!

Mayor Goodway: (tastes the blueberry pie) This blueberry pie is delicious!

(the trio ride off but Gasket secretly makes a detour without anyone noticing)

Mayor Goodway: Nice work chasing off those biker pups Paw Patrol!

Ryder: No problem Mayor Goodway, whenever you're in trouble, just yelp for help!

Mirage: I just need to take care of something! (walks off)

(scene changes to night where Gasket privately meets up with Mirage)

Mirage: Gasket?

Gasket: It's so great seeing you buddy!

Mirage: You too!

(the twosome hug)

Gasket: Mirage?

Mirage: Something up?

Gasket: (blushes) I kinda wanted to see Rocky so could you please let Ginger come out?

Mirage: Why not make things a little dramatic?

Gasket: (curiously) How?

Mirage: (whispers her idea involving werepuppies and a duplicate of Gasket)

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