Ryder x Katie | Movie Style Date

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(scene opens to the Lookout where Gasket is busy playing with the Paw Patrol while Katie is with Ryder)

Katie: So Ryder, what do you think?

Ryder: (unsure) I'm not sure Katie?

Katie: I don't see anything wrong with us going on a date in our movie style?

Ryder: True, but I'm still not sure?

Katie: It'll be alright, I know it for sure! But I'll need to find a magic pup for a blessing!

Ryder: So you wanna use your enhanced genie powers?

Katie: (giggles) Yep! I just need a magic blessing to acquire them!

Ryder: (nods)

(ground shakes)

Ryder and Katie: (surprised) What's going on?

(Armodrillo's fists punch through the ground outside)

Pups: (screams) What is that thing!?

(Ryder and Katie rush outside)

Katie: What's going on?

(Armodrillo emerges from the ground)

Gasket: Mutant armadillo robot!

Armodrillo: (roars)

Katie: Not on my watch! (leaps forward kicking Armodrillo in the chest making him lose balance)

Armodrillo: W-W-Whoa-a-a-a-a! (falls onto his back) Oof!

Two voices: (groans)

Gasket: (looks under Armodrillo to find familiar paws) (shocked gasps) Mirage, Fungus!

Pups: Oh no!

(Mirage and Fungus push Armodrillo off themselves)

Mirage: Was knocking Mason off balance really necessary?

Armodrillo: (groans) I'm okay!

Fungus: (pushes Armodrillo forward letting him and Mirage walk out from behind him)

(Armodrillo reverts back into Mason)

Mason: I'm okay! Boy, that girl sure can kick!

Ryder: What is going on?

Mirage and Fungus: We were trying to make an entrance near you guys, but Katie ruined it by knocking over Armodrillo!

Katie: Sorry Mason, I had no idea you guys were just doing a joke!

Mirage: But first I'm closing that hole! (uses her magic to close the hole made by Armodrillo) Like it never existed now!

Gasket: (hugs Fungus) Son, it's been so long!

Katie: You had a pup, Gasket?

Gasket: Fungus is my ifrit pup son, my fur was used to make him!

Fungus: (nuzzles Gasket) Yep!

Katie: That's so sweet!

Fungus and Gasket: (nods in agreement)

Katie: Mirage?

Mirage: I'll allow it, but please try not to ruin our next moment!

Katie: I'll try!

(scene changes to later when Katie and Ryder are in their movie styles)

Katie: I must admit, it's quite nice looking like this!

Ryder: True, it is quite nice!

Katie: I hope nothing can go wrong on our date!

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