Ryder x Katie | The Pet Parlor's Dark Storage Room

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(scene open to inside the pet parlor where Katie is in her genie outfit while Cali and Gasket watch from nearby)

Katie: (using her basic genie powers to clean) Sometimes magic does help out a bit!

Gasket: Sure do Katherine!

Katie: (playfully) Katherine?

Gasket: (realizes) (embarrassed) Sorry Katie, I wasn't thinking!

Cali: (giggles) I think Katherine is a cute name!

Katie: (giggles) It is cute!

Sound: (helicopter rotors)

Katie: Sounds like Skye in her helicopter!

(the trio head outside where Mason is landing nearby in an Arkeyan Copter)

Gasket: (surprised) Whoa! Who does that belong to?

(hatch opens revealing Mason and Ryder inside)

Ryder: Wow! This is quite a unique vehicle Mason!

Mason: Yep!

Ryder: Also thanks for the lift over while Rocky is kindly fixing my ATV's wheels!

Katie: (curiously) Mason, where did you get that?

Mason: From my elemental brawler associates from a world called Skylands they just needed one to mass produce it!

Gasket: Epic!

Mason: (nods)

Katie: So Ryder, what brings you over?

Ryder: I thought I'd stop for a visit?

Katie: (giggles) You welcomed to come in

Cali: Yep!

Ryder: I'm starting to get used to you talking Cali!

Cali: Thanks Ryder!

Mason: (hands Ryder and Katie a flashlight) You might need these!

Katie: (confused) Flashlights?

Ryder: But it's day time, Mason?

Mason: Just a gut feeling they'd come in hand, but I can't remember how much power they've got either! Well I'd best be going! (takes off in his Arkeyan Copter)

Group: Later Mason!

Katie: I wonder where he's going?

Ryder: Mason said he heard rumors of something happening in the desert so he was gonna pick up Mirage next, then check it out!

Katie: I wonder what kind of rumors he overheard?

Ryder: I'm not sure?

(scene changes to Mason and with Mirage who teleported inside the vehicle a few minutes later)

Mirage: So captain, what rumors did you overhear from Oracle?

Mason: We've got Codi Gizmody up to no good with an army of drones, copilot Mirage!

Mirage: So we're striking down the enemy forces before they can strike first?

Mason: Aye!

(Mirage and Mason put on cool sunglasses as they fly off as the scene changes to Katie and Ryder in their genie outfits in the pet parlor)

Gasket: It's nice seeing them together, right Cali?

Cali: Yep!

Gasket: (notices a button) Huh?

Katie: Something up Gasket?

Gasket: What's this hidden button for?

Katie: I'm not sure? Maybe it leads to the added underground storage!

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