Ryder x Katie | Surprises on Gasket's Birthday

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(scene opens to Ryder and Katie playing around with their basic genie powers while the pups and Cali happily watch)

Cali: Ooh!

Pups: Nice one you two!

Mirage: (walks over) Hi guys, you ready for the big day?

Ryder and Katie: (confused) Big day?

Mirage: (crosses arms) Gasket's birthday?

Katie: (eyes widen) (realizes) Gasket's birthday, I thought it was tomorrow!?

Mirage: (summons Katie's calendar to reveals Gasket's birthday is marked for today)

Katie: (panicking) I forgot!

Ryder: I forgot too!

Pups: Uh oh!

Cali: I knew I was forgetting something!

Mirage: (shakes head) Tsk tsk, you all forget it was the birthday of Katie's pup? Luckily my family and Mason are busy making her a special gift!

Katie: Mirage, could I please have a blessing?

Mirage: (shrugs) Okay! (works a little magic)

Katie: Thank you Mirage, come on Ryder, Cali, and pups we've got a party to prepare and fast! (rushes off)

(scene changes to Mirage returning to the garage of Mason's headquarters where he and the other genie pups are working on something)

Mirage: (walks over) How's it going?

(Melody and Spectra levitate over a pile of motorcycle parts)

Mason: I'd say we're doing alright engineering this special upgraded motorcycle for Gasket! Glad my junkyard and recycling universes have an unlimited supply of parts to use!

Mirage: What can the gift do, again?

Sandy: Faster acceleration, a cozy sidecar for Katie and Cali to ride in, and it's electric including a combo of solar and lunar panels to charge it!

Mason: (chuckles) I also threw in turbo boosters!

Mirage: (giggles) I sure hope Gasket likes it!

Mason: (nods) We all do too!

Mirage: Glad I told the others about Gasket's birthday today!

Angel: Don't forget the color!

Mason: How about a combo of purple and yellow?

Angel: Hm? Clashing colors, very interesting!

Mason: (nods)

(scene changes to Ryder, Rocky, and Marshall working together to inflate balloons)

Katie: (walks over) How's it going guys?

Ryder: I think we're doing good!

Liberty: (walks over) Say, does anyone know where Mirage's family and Mason is?

Ryder: I'm not sure where any of them are, Mason's not picking up! Also I can't track his phone, it seems like he's not even on the planet!

Liberty: Doesn't he have ways to travel the multiverse?

Ryder: True! (bumps on a helium tank which goes flying toward Katie) Whoa!

Katie: (gasps) (the helium tank gets stuck in her mouth) (muffled) Oh boy! (tries pulling it out)

Sound: (balloon inflating)

Katie: (notices her body inflating like a balloon) (muffled) Uh oh!

Ryder: Katie, I'm so sorry!

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