Tracker & Carlos | Into Dora's World

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(scene opens to show Carlos and Tracker in the jungle exploring together like old times)

Carlos: It's great spending time with you again Tracker!

Tracker: Si! It's so great seeing you again after Everest and I moved to the Lookout!

Carlos: I admit it's nice that you and the pups get to live together, but I also miss you too!

Tracker: I feel the same way Carlos!

(the twosome are not paying attention and walk onto an unsafe rope bridge)

Carlos: (looks around) Uh oh!

Tracker: (concerned) What's wrong amigo?

Carlos: We unknowingly walked onto an unsafe rope bridge!

Tracker: Oops! (forgets about his gear)

Carlos: We better get off before this bridge breaks!

Tracker: Si!

Sound: (ropes breaking)

Carlos and Tracker: (worried) Uh oh!

(the rope bridge breaks and they both fall but miraculously go through a rift leading to another world)

Carlos and Tracker: (surprised) Gah!

(the rift closes)

(scene changes to Dora the Explorer's world where a rift opens before Carlos and Tracker fall through and land on another rope bridge)

Tracker: (confused) Another rope bridge?

Carlos: (confused) But it broke, how is this possible?

Tracker: (confused) I'm just as clueless as you, amigo!

Sound: (ropes breaking)

Carlos and Tracker: (worried) Not again!

Female voice: Hold on amigos!

(Dora swings in on a vine)

Dora: Grab on guys!

Carlos and Tracker: Okay! (Carlos grabs Tracker then the vine)

(all three swing away from the rope bridge as it breaks

Carlos and Tracker: (relieved) Phew!

(all three land on solid ground)

Dora: You two okay?

Carlos and Tracker: Gracias, we're okay!

Dora: I have seen you two around the rain forest before?

Carlos: (realizes) Wait a minute, rain forest? We were in a jungle a moment ago?

Dora: Hm? Did anything happen?

Tracker: We did fall through a glowing hole and wound up here!

Boots: (runs over) Great save Dora!

Dora: Thanks Boots!

Tracker: Wow! I never saw a talking monkey before!

Boots: Really? Say, where did you get that interesting outfit?

Tracker: Have you guys ever heard of the Paw Patrol?

Dora and Boots: (confused) Paw Patrol?

Carlos: I'm just gonna guess something unexpected happened?

Tracker: Si!

Sound: (rustling)

(Wildmutt emerges from the nearby bushes)

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