Coral x Zuma | Giant Squid Troubles

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(scene opens to outside Puplantis where Coral in her Mer-pup form is out for a peaceful swim)

Coral: It's such a peaceful day for a nice swim!

(Coral swims past not noticing Moby and McSquidly secretly spying on her)

Moby: (swims over) Well not much we can do if Coral's just out for a swim!

McSquidly: (nods)

Sound: (growling)

Moby: (unsure) McSquidly was that your stomach?

McSquidly: (shakes head)

Moby: If that wasn't my stomach or your stomach, then what was that growling sound?

(large red squid tentacles reach out and grab the twosome)

Moby: (notices) Uh oh!

(Moby and McSquidly are pulled offscreen)

Moby: (screams) Help!

Coral: (looks back finding Moby and McSquidly being pulled away by giant tentacles) (surprised) Moby?

(Coral swims after them)

(scene changes to Moby and McSquidly being held by a reddish giant squid with numerous scars on its body)

Moby: Please don't eat us!

McSquidly: (nods)

Coral: (arrives) Moby, what did you do this time?

Moby: Hey! We might have been spying on you but this guy grabbed us without warning! We don't even know who this squid is!

Coral: (looks closer) Uh oh! I heard rumors about this one!

Moby: What's that?

Coral: Rumor said this particular dangerous male squid has a taste for anything including reachable land creatures and Mer-pups!

Moby: (shocked) What!? Don't let him eat us!

Coral: I'll call the Aqua Pups!

Moby: Hurry before we're giant squid food!

Giant Squid: (snatches Coral resulting in her pup tag falling off in the process)

Coral: (surprised) Yipe! Also my pup tag!

Moby: We're all giant squid food and done for!

Coral: (worried) Oh my starfish!

(scene zooms out revealing one of the elemental brawlers movie theater where the genie pup known as Willow is watching them)

Willow: Oh dear! Those poor pups and McSquidly! (summons a cell phone) I'll send an anonymous tip to the Paw Patrol! (does just that)

Mason: (walks into the movie theater) Hi Willow! (notices the pups and squid in peril) Oh boy! They need help!

Willow: (nods) I called the Paw Patrol but sent them an anonymous text and photo!

Mason: Either we're gonna need a hungry sperm whale, the Hand of Midas, or even the monkey talisman!

Willow: (curiously) Monkey talisman?

Mason: The animal transformation one!

Willow: (remembers and nods) Now I remember!

(scene changes to the Lookout where the pups are playing with Ryder)

Zuma: (chuckles) This is so much fun! (to self) I wonder how Coral is doing?

Skye: (playfully) So thinking about my cuz?

Zuma: (blushes) Maybe a little!

Skye: (realizes) Aww, you have a crush on Coral!

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