Chapter 123

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Afterward, the picnic quickly came to an end. My expression noticeably became worse, Cain and Alan noticed and Hunter's mood darkened.

Hunter had to leave for work, so we all naturally parted ways. However, just before I could enter the room with Cain, Hunter grabbed my arm.

"Prince Del, are you feeling unwell?"

He was very sensitive to my health. Even though I felt my heart soften because he cared, I nodded and Hunter slightly smiled.

"That's good, then."

"I'm really fine. Go ahead and go to work."

Cain, who ran into the room first, started yelling from inside, complaining about the cold and telling us to close the door. I was about to go in when Hunter grabbed me again.

"Prince Del."



Hunter hesitated without responding. Conflict appeared on his usually composed face. I waited quietly without urging him.

"Earlier, about the guild leader..."

"Oh, yes."

Unintentionally, my voice sounded a bit cold.

"It's not that I don't like him. Well, to be honest, I do find him unlikeable."


"I hate that you rely on him. I don't want you to value him and cherish the special memories you have of him."


"That's why. You got those reactions of the guild leader. It's probably the same for everyone else besides me."

He was referring to Alan and Cain. It wasn't that they were looking down on Andrea or ignoring him. It was jealousy. Hunter was expressing this now.

"I just wanted to say that. Now, go in."

After saying that, Hunter left, leaving a more hurried than usual. I stood there and watched him disappear around the corner. Surprisingly, my mood was better.


After resolving all the requests, Andrea had nothing else to do. He lay down on the bed, blankly staring at a stain in the corner of the ceiling.

Downstairs, there was a commotion with the clinking of glasses. It was because they had started business for the evening.

Maybe I should help with the business after a long time.

Andrea got up sluggishly, took out a mask made of linen from the drawer, but soon stuck it back in the drawer. Since he was known as the boss's nephew, he thought it wouldn't matter if he went downstairs without a mask.

With his hands in his pants pockets, he went down to the first floor. As it got darker, the inside of the store buzzed with customers who came for drinks.

When Andrea showed his face, several customers pretended to know him. He roughly acknowledged their greetings and went over to the owner.

"Why did you come out, Jim?"

Victor, the fake owner and fake uncle, intentionally asked in a loud and cheerful voice.

"I thought I might help with some work."

Victor's expression became blank at Andrea's response. However, soon he used his large hands and patted Andrea on the back, and shouted, "Then, bring beers to that table!"

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