Chapter 53

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"We left the doctor's house and walked towards One Cup of Sugar. Well, it was Andrea who was walking, and I was being carried, but the refreshing and pleasant scent of soap emanated from Andrea's neck. As expected, he carried a good scent like the male lead in a romance novel. Somehow, my mood worsened, so I turned my head, and Andrea asked.

"Do I smell nice?"


"I thought you put your nose in my neck and sniffed me."

"No, no, I didn't."

"Is that so? Then, take a sniff now.'"

Andrea laughed. Every time he laughed, his whole body vibrated.

While walking down the street, just like in the morning, many people greeted and spoke to Andrea. He responded kindly to them but didn't engage in unnecessary conversations. If someone wondered about me being carried on his back, he would end the conversation with, "My friend is not feeling well due to a hangover. Can I go first?'"

Since I shouldn't show my face anyway, and being carried by a grown man was embarrassing, I buried my face in Andrea's back without any objections. In doing so, I didn't realize that we weren't heading towards One Cup of Sugar. When I raised my head, we were already in front of the temple.

"I-I said I'm not going to the temple!"

I resisted by twisting my body, Andrea gently shook my body up and down like comforting a baby.

"Stay still, hold on. You might fall."

He said as he entered the temple.

"I understand that you don't want to spend my money, but honestly, um... what should I say? It's- never mind. Haha."

It was a very kind and friendly tone, but I sensed the hidden meaning behind those words. Andrea would never do anything to hurt or harm me as long as I was in Del Narcissus's body. However, if this body was already injured, the top priority should be healing it, and my will or the doctor's opinion were not important at all.

Weakness is a weakness, but it has its limits. The reason is Andrea's true preference is not me.

Andrea lifted me, who had become sullen, and continued to walk. Until we reached a small healing room guided by a priest, I didn't say anything. He didn't speak to me either.

"Hello, brother."

The priest, who was sitting in the healing room, stood up, offering a benevolent smile to welcome us. He had long, braided hair and looked quite young. Seeing him reminded me of Alan. He was left in the orphanage... I wonder how he's doing. Even though I might feel embarrassed and awkward for escaping like that, he was a kind and gentle person, so he would probably forgive me right away.

"Please lay the patient here."

Andrea placed me on the bed. Despite being thin, I was still quite tall. He handled me as if handling a feather pillow by gently lowering me and turning me over.

"I will examine the wounds."

The priest pulled up my shirt. As soon as the priest saw the wounds, he sighed.

"How did this happen... You must have been in a lot of pain. I will use divine power right away."

Upon hearing those words, I immediately regained my senses. Wait a moment. If this continues, am I really going to be on that miracle list?


Ignoring the pain in my back, I jumped up from the bed.

"Why are you doing this?"

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