Chapter 15

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Alan greeted the senior priest politely. I followed suit, awkwardly lowering my head. The senior priest alternately looked at Alan and me, a clear smirk playing on his lips. He then addressed Alan.

"You were summoned to the Grand Castle and brought back. Seems like a new prisoner has arrived."

He spoke, tongue clicking in disapproval.

"As a newly appointed priest, you can't be seen hanging with prisoners around the temple... Eura won't be pleased."

"Why would Eura be displeased when I'm taking care of Eura's children right here, in the closest place?"

Alan said with a grin. The senior priest retorted with a snort.

"Eura's children come directly to this temple where Eura resides to find peace for their body and mind. But a priest like you, mingling with prisoners in the frigid prison or wandering around the slums, is that what a priest does?"

"Eura is present not only here but everywhere."

"Are you mocking the value of this temple right now?"

"I would never. If I were, this person wouldn't have been sent to the temple by Eura."

Alan looked at me and continued.

"This person is a miracle bestowed by Eura."

"What? A miracle?"

The senior priest seemed to find Alan's words quite amusing, shaking his head and laughing as if he had heard a ridiculous joke. It was so entertaining that even I was starting to feel uncomfortable. I glared at the senior priest, and Alan quietly grabbed my arm.

"Narcissus, if it's not too impolite, may I use divine power?"

I hesitated for a moment. It was uneasy to reveal my personal information to this stubborn old man. However, I came to the temple for this purpose, and I needed to leave as soon as possible. In the end, I nodded my head. Alan, who received my permission, gave me a warm smile, as if reassuring me not to worry.

What do I have to worry about? You're the one getting hit by that stubborn old man.

Alan, who knew the ins and outs of this arrogant senior priest character, also realized that he might have earned resentment within the temple. Despite our brief encounter, seeing the senior priest contemptuously sneering, even in this sacred place where Alan sought temporary refuge, painted a vivid picture of how much criticism Alan had faced from other priests.

This guy... Life might be convenient for him, but it won't be easy.

As I entertained such thoughts, a pleasant warmth began to emanate from Alan's grasp on my arm. It was divine power.

"Now, don't go using precious divine power recklessly on just anyone, you old geezer!"

The senior priest, who was about to scold Alan again, widened his eyes in surprise. His wrinkled mouth trembled, and his raised finger shook in mid-air, showing a rather satisfying aspect.

"What in the world..."

Apparently, my personal information was visible to the senior priest as well. He stared at the characters floating above my head for a while, then let out a chuckle.

Standing behind me, Devan seemed equally astonished, taking a sharp breath. In a trembling voice mixed with shock and admiration, he stammered, "Y-Young M-Master?"

"It's Eura's miracle! It's Eura's miracle!"

Even the grumbling priest, who had been mocking us, was now wearing an expression of ecstasy, gazing at me. The eyes of the senior priest, who had been scolding just a moment ago, now reflected the typical admiration of a religious person who had witnessed a miracle before death.

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