Chapter 40

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"It doesn't seem like you used mana directly. It looks like you don't know how to utilize mana either," Cain said after examining me in his room for a while. Heron, who was standing by, nodded in agreement.

"The amount of mana is ridiculously low. It's not enough to activate that magic circle from earlier."

"Man, it's the 38th wonder of the Magic Tower..."

Why so many mysteries?

When I pouted my lips, Cain grabbed my lips tightly with his thumb and index finger.

"Ow! Hey!"

Cain looked at me with duck lips, laughing like a child.

"Hey, mana vessel. Since it's your mana, theoretically, it's impossible, and you don't seem to know anything about it, right?"

He pinched my lips with his fingers, playing with them like squeezing a rice cake.


I roughly shook my head to escape from his grip. My lips felt warm and swollen, giving me a plump sensation.

"I said I don't know!"

Whether I responded harshly or not, Cain and Heron exchanged glances and talked in their own language while looking at the paper where they had recorded my condition. They discussed mana concentration, Desillon's laws, potential, and trigger words. Then, Heron nodded and left the room.

"Get up."

Cain tapped my shoulder and spoke. As someone who had been sitting on the chair playing the role of their experiment subject for over an hour, it was a welcome command. I got up, rotated my stiff arms, and pounded my lower back with my fists.

"I think I need to teach you magic."


"It seems like you have some latent mana within you. If you don't release it yourself, it will exist as an uncontrollable variable forever. That's very extremely dangerous."

Cain spoke as he put on a black robe.

"So, I'm going to teach you a few simple spells so that you can utilize the mana stored within you."

"There is no mana within me. I know better because the mana they are thinking of is not mine, it comes from the system. However, I couldn't say such things. If I revealed that this place is inside a game and there is a system, Cain might gather all the mages living in the tower to dissect me to the bone."

"The first rite of passage for apprentice mages is to try hunting monsters in the Studdle Mountains. Usually, when the number of apprentices reaches a certain number, they are sent out in teams, but I will personally go with you."

"Wait a moment. Hunting monsters? Me?"

"I'll teach you magic on the side. You said you wanted to learn, right?"

"No, wait a minute."

Ignoring my words, Cain grabbed my hand and pulled me. His face, taking me to the teleportation circle, was filled with excitement and anticipation.

"Eat this."

He poured some motion sickness potion into my mouth. I had no choice but to take it and drink it, but continued to take backward steps. The corners of my mouth and chin were soaked with potion.

"This doesn't seem real. I am interested in learning magic, but I just wanted to learn it here. How can I catch a monster? It's not like I can catch it by clicking on it...."

"Click? What are you talking about? Stop the nonsense and come here."

After roughly wiping my mouth with the hem of his robe, Cain dragged me to the teleportation circle.

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