Chapter 138

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Suddenly a hidden quest?

This was the first time such a window appeared since the notification about Khan's hidden quest failure back when I was in the Ice Prison.

Wait, now that the favorability has reached 100, shouldn't the logout window appear? Or is it because of Andrea's hidden quest instead of logging out as it should be?

What is "Fate of Solitude"? Shouldn't there be an explanation for that? Is it hidden because it's a hidden quest? This fucking game! I used to consider this crappy system as the "Words of God"...

My mind was a mess. I was in the carriage heading to the Royal Palace when Hunter saw my perplexed face turning red and blue, he worriedly asked if I was feeling okay.

"Del, are you feeling motion sickness?"

"Prison, Andrea, this carriage..."


"Please turn the carriage!"

Even with my face distorted, not explaining properly and just making a fuss, Hunter immediately informed the coachman to turn the carriage around.

I felt sorry for Hunter and the coachman, but I needed to see Andrea first. Without understanding what the hidden quest was, if something happened to Andrea after we distanced ourselves, we could all be in trouble. Especially me.

'I don't know how we'll be in trouble, but if it's this crazy game... it will definitely fuck me up.'

This was also a kind of trust. When my memories returned, it became even more certain.

The carriage soon arrived back at the prison, and I hurriedly jumped off the carriage and ran to the hospital. However, the path to the infirmary was strangely noisy. I felt anxious because It was more chaotic and restless than before.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince! Prince Narcissus!"

One of the guards who had guided us rushed towards us as soon as he saw us.

"What happened?"

"The prisoner has disappeared! It's Andrea Sloane, who was lying in the infirmary!"

"What? It's only been about ten minutes since we left...!"

"We were just about to check if Your Highness took the prisoner with you."

"That's ridiculous. We..."

Hunter stopped talking and looked at me.

"Prince Del, why did you ask to come back here? Did you notice something?"


Well, I feel like I'm screwed right now.


Fortunately, just before I panicked, Hunter reminded me about the magic in this world.

"If we ask the Magic Tower Lord for tracking magic, we can find him right away, so don't worry."

There were two things needed for tracking magic: the blood of the target and a cherished item of the target. It was an advanced magic that could instantly locate a person using their body formation and mana.

Andrea's blood could easily be obtained from the clinic attached to the prison. As for Andrea's precious item...

I quickly returned to the royal palace and handed Cain the crumpled note.

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