Chapter 119

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However, before Hunter or Andrea could open their mouths, the door swung open, and people rushed out. It was Alan, Cain, and Otakia.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince."

Alan greeted Hunter with proper etiquette upon seeing him, but Cain and Otakia, true to their socially awkward magician nature, gave half-hearted greetings.

"You managed to find him."

Cain muttered, but his voice was so loud that there was nobody in the garden who didn't hear it. The Crown Prince's aide snapped, "Show some respect!" but Cain paid no attention.

"Narcissus, are you okay?"

Alan asked with worry-filled eyes. The gaze directed at me behind Andrea seemed as if watching a child trying to put their hand into flames.

"Is it the end of your private time now? What else is there to hear about from a kidnapper?"

Cain approached me and grabbed my shoulders without hesitation.

"Let go of that hand and talk."

Andrea lightly slapped Cain's hand away. Cain looked annoyed, about to say something, but this time Hunter intervened.

"Prince Del, I'd appreciate it if you could give me some time. I want to discuss your future. We also need to talk about the contract issues and set a date for the wedding."

Otakia also chimed in.

"Why on earth are we having these discussions in my garden, anyway?"

I was out of my mind. I didn't understand anything. When someone loses their memory, isn't it common to show some consideration? These guys are just putting their own situations first.

"Listen, everyone!"

I shouted, clapping my hands with force. The garden fell silent instantly. All eyes were on me. But I knew they would start babbling uncontrollably at the slightest opportunity. I quickly continued.

"Line up, one by one. I'll be inside that house, so come in order and talk about whatever you want. Otherwise, I won't talk."

After saying that, I entered Otakia's house. From behind, Otakia muttered, "No, that's my house too..." but I ignored her completely. For now, I needed to sort out this complicated situation.

I sat on the sofa in the dimly lit living room for about five minutes when someone entered the house. It was Hunter. It seemed like he had won some sort of battle and secured the first spot.

Hunter sat down next to me. I was about to gesture for him to sit across from me but shyly lowered my arm.

"Del Narcissus."


One-on-one conversations with a stranger were more awkward than I had anticipated. However, Hunter didn't seem to find it uncomfortable. He raised his hand and gently touched one side of my cheek. His large and rough hand cupped my cheek.

"I'll ask again."


"It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

He looked sad again. Objectively, I wasn't in a healthy state, but it wasn't a serious illness. The penalty for the illness was technically different from a true disease. So, I nodded.

"Yes, it doesn't hurt."

For some reason, it felt like I had to say that. Hunter's face brightened a bit at my response. He didn't show any particular expression, but it just seemed that way.

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