Chapter 36

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The stew was incredibly delicious, with the refreshing taste of the sea and a slightly spicy broth. Having been in this game for a few weeks without experiencing much spice, I felt an unusually strong longing. While my previous self wasn't a picky eater, relying mostly on convenience stores and food delivery apps, I could still recognize that this stew was well-made.

However, Cain played around with his spoon, poking the surface of the stew and tapping the mussel shells like a five-year-old who wanted to escape from the dinner table.

"It's delicious. Try some."

"Eating and digesting food is so troublesome. Everyone's so foolish."

Cain grumbled. In his appearance as a skinny man, he looked like someone who had adopted a concept of persistent dissatisfaction. With a slightly anxious feeling that the owner might overhear him, I asked Cain.

"Do you only eat to get full?"


"Enjoying the aroma and taste of food. Sitting together like this, sharing conversations, creating memories."

"We can solve all that in one second with magic. Why waste time on such things?"

"I'm enjoying it now. After eating something spicy after a long time, memories of home come back, make me want to drink a bit, and make my body warmer. Plus, by eating this, I came out to the village with you. It doesn't feel like a waste of time at all."

I said that and scooped a spoonful into my mouth. Yeah, it's delicious. Satisfied with the taste, I looked at Cain, who tilted his head slightly. His expression was hard to read, but the tips of his ears were red. Surely, he also found satisfaction in the warmth rising from the food.

After hearing my words, Cain diligently played with his spoon. He didn't express admiration or eat with joy like me, but steadily finished his plate. Putting down his spoon on the table, he said, "I haven't eaten food in almost three years."

"Huh? Three years?"

"It's a nuisance after all."

Seeing that both our plates were empty, he stood up. After taking out a few coins from his pants pocket and placing them on the table, Cain went out of the restaurant first. I tried to stand up to follow him, but I felt fullness and warmth in my stomach. I let out a long breath while gently massaging my slightly tightened belly.

"Did you enjoy the meal?"

The owner asked loudly from behind. I nodded and smiled at him.

"I really enjoyed the meal. I'll come again!"

"How can the guy's face be so pretty? Sure, come again!"

I exchanged greetings with the owner and left the shop. Cain, who had been waiting for me in front, raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you say you were coming again? Are you going to the village every mealtime?"

"Well, that might be difficult, but it would be nice to come again. I'm curious about other restaurants besides this one."

Until now, I had stayed in specific places like Narcissus, Ice Prison, the temple, and the royal palace. I hadn't thought about exploring the village or observing the daily lives of the people in this world.

Honestly, I was curious about the aspects of the game that I didn't know. I thought that being an adult game, it would focus only on the bed scene, but there were stories about mana deficiency that the people of the empire often suffered from or magicians who secretly visited their favorite restaurants while cursing their boss, the Lord of the Magic Tower. Encountering these pieces of evidence that this place operated as an independent world with its own stories made me feel amazed and fascinated.

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