Chapter 74

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I have never been as agile as this before, and I probably will never be again. I ducked my body down at lightning speed. As if that wasn't enough I lay flat on the floor, holding my breath. My heart felt like it was about to jump out of my mouth. Why did Hunter come? Cain said he refused, and Khan and Alan, came to where I am at the same time. Could it be that the three of them talked about it? A trap that was prepared for me? Am I the only one that doesn't know?

Sweat was seeping from my palms. It felt like the Hunter could leap through the window at any moment. However, even after staying still on the floor for five minutes, the window didn't open, and the Hunter didn't emerge. Still, I didn't dare to stand up. It was like the moment in a horror movie when the main character is at ease, and a ghost appears.

A moment later, Andrea opened my door and walked in. He looked at me lying flat on my stomach on the floor and tilted his head.

"Did you drop money?"

"Am I lying like this because I dropped money just now?"

Surprised, my voice came out sharply.

"Is that so?"

"...I did push-ups."

I couldn't bring myself to say that I saw the Hunter. I didn't want to be caught being scared to this extent. I casually stood up, clapped my hands on my legs, and closed the curtains with a flowing motion, making the room darker. Andrea, standing in the darkened room, spoke cheerfully without realizing.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat."

"I'm fine. I don't want to eat."

However, as soon as I said that, a growling sound echoed loudly from my stomach. Could the system control my stomach as well?

Andrea laughed loudly and extended his hand to me.

"I'll buy you something delicious. In a secret place where nobody comes."

Reluctantly, I took his hand. Andrea's hand, dry, soft, and warm in contrast to my damp and cold hand due to tension, made me suddenly think that Andrea seemed more comfortable touching me than before. Maybe he was less tense because it's not the real Del Narcissus? As I pondered that, my mood soured a bit, and the surprised feeling at seeing the Hunter gave way to a gloomy feeling.


The restaurant Andrea took me to was practically empty. Not only was the restaurant located in a remote alley, but there was also no sign hanging, and the restaurant owner was unbelievably unfriendly. The stern-faced, grumpy owner brought a bottle of wine with a cork as soon as we sat down. There was no menu at all.

"We didn't order any alcohol,"

I said, and the restaurant owner, squinting his eyes, responded rudely.

"Alcohol is a must."

"I want to drink water..."

As I timidly protested, Andrea laughed and poured wine into his glass. The deep red liquid flowed into the transparent glass.

"Give us a bottle of water too, Troy."

Andrea seemed to be on good terms with the restaurant owner. A man called Troy, without saying a word, walked to the kitchen and returned with a wooden cup half-filled with water. Placing it on the table with a thud, he went back inside without taking any further orders.

"Now I understand why there are no customers."

Afraid that Andrea might hear my voice, I spoke quietly. Andrea laughed heartily. He covered his mouth with his hand and then spoke softly

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