Chapter 116

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"So, have you figured out what true love is? Well, there's no way the book would know something I don't know, hmmm."

True love? As I was thinking about Andrea's unrequited love, those words sounded oddly familiar.

"Considering that you still haven't separated your body from your soul yet, you probably don't know either."

After Otakia said that remark, she crossed her arms and asked behind me.

"Mr. Magic Tower Lord, do you know about the magic called "true love"?"

Cain, with the most intense red hair among the three men standing behind me, who seemed annoyed, gave a rough response.

"What's that magic? You left the Magic Tower and became an idiot."

"I left the magic tower to spread my wings of freedom! As a great black magician..."

"There's no magic called "true love"?"

Andrea, who was listening to Otakia and Cain arguing, suddenly intervened. Cain glared at Andrea, but he gave a good answer.

"Are you stupid? No matter how magical it is, you can't create something like true love. There might be love potions, aphrodisiacs, enchanting spells, but..."

"Then what is "true love" from that time?"

Andrea asked Otakia this time. Otakia, unable to endure eye contact with the handsome man, turned her head.

"Well, this seems to be a problem that needs further research." She muttered.

Andrea was confused by the fact that even Otakia, a dark magician who seemed close to the Magic Tower lord, didn't know about "true love."

What on earth is true love that is causing all this fuss?

I didn't like the fact that Andrea and Otakia were talking about love. So I casually scratched the back of my head and said,

"It's probably not magic then."

I waved my arms as if trying to get away from this topic. Having been only inside this dimly lit house, I was planning to leave Otakia's house with the excuse of feeling stuffy.

However, Andrea's expression changed my words. He looked at me as if he had realized something, or perhaps he had been hit hard on the back of the head.

Otakia, sitting on the sofa, gently stroked her chin with her fingertips and said, "Huh? Not magic? Then, what the black dragon said at that time, could it be true love, human love?..."

"Why are you suddenly talking about love?"

Cain, sitting on the sofa, asked. Andrea, still in shock, was only looking at me, so Otakia answered alone.

"I used my lovely black flame dragon to find the magic that the blonde pretty boy needed, and the answer that came out at that time was "true love.'"The success rate was a whopping 99%. Since the success rate of soul separation magic is only 10%, it's slim. But to get 99%? So, I was surprised and thought that was a magic spell name?"

"Why did you even use the answer book in the first place?"

"I have told you not to call it with such a stiff name. Anyway, the reason I used the black dragon back then was... Ah! That blonde pretty boy wanted..."


Andrea, who had been staring blankly at me, shouted urgently.

"What, What's going on?"

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