Chapter 51

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"Is there a way to go back?"

Without realizing it, my body jumped up. I heard the sound of the chair I was sitting on tipping over, but I didn't care. Could I really leave this game? How?

"Haha, there are people who specialize in that kind of work"

The guild leader of the assassination guild must know everything. Can I really go back?

"Calm down, sit down and eat first"

I wanted to ask more, but Andrea seemed unwilling to say more. I picked up the fallen chair, sat down, and took a fork. Gently pushing the sugar mountain on the side with my fork and delicately enjoyed the sweetened eggs and bacon.

Andrea ate an enormous amount of sugar as it is. If he gets diabetes for real, what will happen? Even in his healthy youth, it's just a moment. Though I couldn't help but think like an old man, I didn't say it out loud. I knew the frightening nature of assassins.

After the meal, he gave me new clothes. The robe of the tower was too conspicuous. I wore a gray shirt and brown pants. It was the attire of an ordinary NPC.

"Your face stands out too much..."

Andrea muttered while looking at my glamorous face.

"Yes? What did you say?"

"It's nothing"

Andrea brought an old straw hat from somewhere and put it on my head. He tilted his head as if he was dissatisfied then he found a scarf left by a customer and wrapped it around my neck. Looking at my face covered with the scarf, he nodded.

"Okay. This should cover half of that beauty. Then Shall we go now?"

However, he had neither a hat nor a scarf. Looking at his sharp nose, I asked.

"Why don't you wear anything?"

"Why should I hide my face?"


"Because you too are handsome enough to make your eyes pop out."

But saying such things out loud might sound too flattering coming from me, and I didn't want to give any nice words to that assassin kidnapper, so I just kept my mouth shut.

"How boring"

Andrea smiled and cheerfully opened the door to the bar door.


The streets were crowded with people. Everyone seemed to be busy strolling around since morning. Horses pulling carriages passed gracefully, clicking their hooves on the ground. Men with rolled-up sleeves and women with headscarves walked in various directions. There were children selling newspapers or flowers, and elderly people carrying loads of vegetables on large carts.

Standing there without any place to go amidst the liveliness they created, a petite girl selling flowers ran towards Andrea.

"Sir! Good morning!"

The girl, who seemed to be just under ten years old, had a thin face covered in dust. Andrea laughed and wiped the dirt off the girl's cheek with his palm.

"Hello, little miss. Good morning"

"Where are you going? Who's this next to you? Are you not sleeping in today?"

"Oh my, am I caught by security now? Please ask one question at a time, knight"

"I'm not a knight! I'm a flower seller named May!"

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