Chapter 135

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What I want

"When I was very young my mom and dad were still living with me. I fell asleep in the dark back seat on the way to my grandmother's house. I could vaguely see the familiar landscape of the house through the car window, but the sleep of a child was heavier than anything, so I just lay in the darkness as it enveloped me.

We arrived home, but let's not wake him up. You carry him, and I'll handle the luggage. Shh, be quiet. Sleep well, dear. Those whispers were affectionate and quickly exchanged, and a large, warm embrace pulled me out of the darkness.

Even in a half-dream state, I could feel love. There was no room for loneliness to creep into my young heart. That was the earliest memory of love, I could remember.

The same pleasant warmth I felt back then was now enveloping my body. Someone covered me with a blanket and held me tightly. Subconsciously, I snuggled against his chest and brushed my cheek against it. It was an instinctive gesture.

Thump, thump, as I heard the heartbeat go faster, I smiled softly. The nightmare from before seems to have all ended. Now I was safe. Warm. And this was the love I remembered.

I relaxed my mind and drifted into sleep, I promised myself to say thank you when I woke up


"Mana vesseesel!!"

"Please be quiet, Magic Tower Lord. Healing magic and divine power are more effective when the patient is calm, you know?"

"Originally, our wizards are a bit unsophisticated. We don't handle sunlight well, hence the paleness. But Look at this kid's pale skin. What did that bastard do to the kid..."

"If you're going to use vulgar language again, please do it outside. Even if he's sleeping, I cannot allow crude words to reach the ears of Narcissus."

Just before falling asleep, it felt really pleasant and cozy, but now it was too noisy. The air felt stale, and my nose was dry, giving a ticklish sensation down my throat.

I slowly opened my eyes. Alan and Cain were standing on either side of the bed.


I tried to call Alan, but memories rushed in like fireworks exploding. Memories of being tied to a bedpost, pinched, hit, and crying out in pain.

Khan Alexis, that crazy bastard...

I got up in a hurry. As I stood up, Cain suddenly said, "Kwaaaah!". He jumped back and let out a strange scream. Alan wasn't as extreme, but he took a cautious step back. Both reacted as if they were seeing resurrected corpses.

"Where's that perverted bastard?"

In response to the abrupt vulgar language, Alan stretched his lips and took a short breath, seeming to convince himself that after going through a rough experience, someone's speech might become a little rough. Instead of nagging, he spoke kindly.

"Narcissus, please look at me first."


"Are you okay?"

"...Uh, yes, I think so."

Strangely enough, my physical condition was at its peak. I felt light and refreshed. Come to think of it, I... I had something inserted into places it shouldn't be.

I quickly lifted the blanket to check, but my pants were put on, and I didn't feel any pain.

Cain, who came in late, exclaimed,

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