Chapter 105

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They discovered us quickly. The creature was so massive, and its hooves sounded like thunder, so as soon as we left the stable and started running, all eyes were on us. Strangely, I didn't feel nervous or surprised about being caught.

If anyone had hoped not to get caught while riding such a creature, that would have been more surprising.

"Go at full speed!"

Andrea shouted to Alan. Alan, hesitant at first, quickly became skilled at controlling the creature. Indeed, looking at him, one might believe he was a warrior, not a priest. Not only Alan, but the people here in general were tall and well-built. Despite being a bit thin, I was also tall.

While following Alan's broad back ahead, Andrea held the reins with one hand and pulled out a pouch filled with Waroom.

"Are you going to throw that?" I asked.

"Yes, look ahead, Del! Don't look back. I don't want the powder to go in your eyes!"

Andrea's voice, mingled with the sound of the strong wind, was powerful, clear, and friendly. I bowed my body towards the front.

Riding something similar to a horse after losing my memory for the first time surprisingly wasn't that difficult. I didn't even know if I had enjoyed horseback riding before, given I was from a noble family.

Trying to open my eyes against the wind hitting my face, I suppressed the rising fear.

As we approached the village entrance, the people who were surprised to see us, those following us, and those shouting in fear increased. The creature was so fast that their faces weren't clear, but it was evident that everyone was shocked and angry.

Then, from behind, a scream echoed. It seemed like Andrea had thrown the first pouch of Waroom. As the creature was charging forward and the wind was blowing in the opposite direction, the Waroom powder spread widely behind.

"Cover your face with a hood!"


"They're kidnapping the angel!"

"Turn back, everyone!"

However, the particles of Waroom were very fine and light, yet their effect was powerful. Those already exposed to Waroom fell or entered a state of intense excitement.

After seeing that the people who had discovered us had fallen, Andrea sat down and grabbed the reins with both hands.

"I'll go a little faster."

Andrea said to my right ear. I felt a sensation in my ear. Unconsciously, I tilted my head to the right and pressed my shoulder against Andrea's, but Andrea was focused on controlling the creature.

In the meantime, I felt pathetic for enjoying being close to Andrea, but fortunately, the urgent situation masked my emotions. From a distance, the sound of hooves similar to those of the creatures we were riding reached us. A swiftly moving group seemed to have started chasing us.

However, we had already passed through the only entrance of Sablum. As the soft, sandy desert stretched out, the creature's gallop shone even brighter. It felt like we were running through the air before our feet touched the ground.

Large and small sand dunes swiftly passed by our side. The rapidly changing scenery around us was dizzying, to the point where I felt my stomach turning. In fact, it was already upside down, the drink I had with the teacher before leaving the house was churning in my stomach.

Sensing my discomfort, Andrea whispered from behind,

"Just endure a little longer."

Then, something swooshed from behind and I saw something flying into the sand, disappearing with a thud.

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