Chapter 112

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As soon as my command was made Andrea's pupils changed. Then, as if nothing had happened, he sat back on Billy, putting his feet in the stirrups. Although he didn't put his knife away, he held the reins and started running behind the centipede while holding his knife.

"Priest! To the right! Run towards my opposite side!"

Andrea shouted while riding Billy. Although Alan seemed puzzled by Andrea's sudden change of mind and let out a short laugh, he quickly regained his composure and urged Millie forward.

The centipede's head suddenly turned from above. Seeing us going behind it, it seemed to be trying to turn around in a hurry, but its long and bulky body made its movements sluggish. Andrea had definitely targeted this weakness.

The centipede was wondering which of the small creatures running around it should crush first. It seemed burdened by its sluggish body as it struggled to think while focusing on using its head.

Taking advantage of the centipede's hesitation, Millie and Billy ran faster. Andrea's voice was now so distant that it couldn't be heard. The Centipede was still contemplating who to chase.

'If we completely leave the centipede's territory... there's a chance of winning!'

I sincerely thought so, and it seemed that Andrea and Alan thought the same way.

The centipede slowly lowered its head downwards. It seemed like an action to observe us more closely rather than an intention to chase anyone. However, when the centipede's head was close to the ground, I realized that something long was on top of its head.



It was a person. Moreover, someone I knew.

"Isn't that person... the chief?"

Alan, who looked back, asked in astonishment.

The tribal chief, holding the centipede's antenna like a steering wheel, stared at me with a determined look.

"If you don't want to die, it's better to come back!"

If he really wanted to make me come back with those words, the chief was the worst persuader.

"Even stealing Kurum, you have become a completely corrupted angel!"

I didn't understand what he was saying, but it seemed that the names of the creatures we were riding, Millie and Billy, were Kurum.

"Angel! Don't regret it!"

Veins bulge on the chief's bald head. He looked extremely strong and brave. The way he controlled the giant centipede monster as if it were his own limbs looked heroic.

The chief shouted, "Uaaah!" and put strength into it. As he did, the sandy-colored centipede, like a soldier receiving a commander's order, began to advance towards us.

As the centipede started to move, the ground shook again. Millie, who was running fast, jumped up in surprise.

"Hold on tight!"

Alan said, putting his weight on me as he pulled Millie's reins. Perhaps due to his daily prayers and meditation as a priest, Alan didn't easily waver. He calmly pulled Millie's reins. Millie, who had been scared by the powerful force of the opponent, seemed to feel relieved when she realized that Alan was in control. The confused monster soon calmed down and regained its original pace.

At that moment, the centipede let out a blood-curdling scream, yelling, "Ki-eek!" When I turned around, the centipede looked angry and was turning towards Andrea.

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