Chapter 118

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<The water looks deep>

A soft voice came out from the darkness. Woofu, surprised by someone else's voice, reflexively growled but soon regained his composure after smelling the familiar scent of a human.

Hunter, who had been standing in the garden pathway lost in thought, looked back. There stood the Queen, who had come out with only one maid and servant.

"Your Majesty."

Hunter greeted the Queen. He attempted to give a faint smile, but his lips, which hadn't smiled in a long time, were stiff, only forming an indifferent expression. However, knowing her son's nature, she didn't care.

"Didn't I tell you to bring in more employees? At this rate, What if something happens..."

"What will happen to the Queen's Palace that no one cares about? I'm just worried about you."

The Queen stroked the hunter's rough cheek. Hunter stopped his nagging and quietly accepted her touch.

"Were you thinking about that child?"

The Queen asked as she withdrew her hand. Hunter gritted his teeth at her sweet voice. In the past few months, he had shown too many moments of disapproval to his mother.

"No. I was taking a walk with Woofu."

"You've been standing here for a while."

Is that so? Hunter didn't know. He had just stopped for a moment, remembering the incident where he had fallen on top of Del in this pathway.

"You must have been bored waiting, Woofu."

The Queen said. Woofu ignored her words. As the mother of his human companion, he didn't attack but wasn't affectionate either. Woofu remained indifferent to everyone except the hunter.

Del was an exception. From the beginning, Woofu liked Del.

He would lick him like a cute kitten or go next to Del and act cute. It was a slight recollection, but it was true, Woofu had genuinely followed Del well.

"Your face looks worse. The face was the part I liked the most when I gave birth to you."

The Queen said playfully. Hunter tried to respond with a smile but failed again. He lowered his head and spoke.

"I'm managing the government affairs to ensure there's no disruption. You don't need to worry too much."

"That's what I'm worried about."

The Queen looked up at her handsome son. Whenever she was sick or sad, Hunter always pushed himself hard. He tried hard to solidify his position as the Crown Prince and get closer to the throne to ease her depression.

This time was no different. Hunter chose the same coping mechanism for his own pain and sadness. He woke up earlier, worked more aggressively, and managed his schedule more thoroughly. In his free time, he devoted himself to searching for Del. After Del fell and went to the Magic Tower, he started to break down little by little and now he was completely torturing himself.

Currently, Hunter is receiving higher praise than ever before. People haven't noticed Hunter's current state, except for the Queen, his mother, and his aides who accompany him daily.

<If you allow yourself to be devastated, you will have less affection to share with others.>

"It's too difficult. Could you please speak in the Imperial language?"

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