Chapter 106⚠️

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(warning contains 19+ content*)

No matter how good the stamina of the horse-like creature was, it seemed difficult for it to run without resting for several hours. As soon as it settled in the cave, it folded its legs and sat down. Alan and I also sat on the flat ground.

As soon as he sat down, Alan took off the priest's robe stained with blood. Inside the stiff and long priest's robe, he wore ordinary white pants and a white shirt. There were some red stains around his shoulders and chest, but if you didn't look closely, you wouldn't be able to tell.

"We need to find water and food. During that time, it would be good for Narcissus to get some rest."

"What about Alan? Will you go alone? Let's go together."

"When brother Andrea returns, someone should be here to greet them. I don't know what kind of trouble may arise while looking for food. Rest here, Lord Narcissus."

With that, Alan playfully raised his arm, showing off his muscles.

"Even though it may not look like it, I've been training diligently every day through volunteer activities."

After saying that it would take a few hours to find water, Alan tied the reins of the monster and went out of the cave alone. It was scary to be alone in this dark and deep cave with the monster, but Alan's words were correct.

I was not feeling well at the moment. Throughout the ride on the monster, I struggled to suppress the nausea. I swallowed the vomit that came up several times. I didn't even think about stopping, fearing I would be caught. In fact, not fainting was an accomplishment in itself.

Perhaps Alan, who had been with me for a few hours, noticed. Yet, blaming oneself for not being able to stop even if I asked to take a rest could be another reason. So, he strongly recommended that I take a rest.

"Yeah, let's rest. I don't have the strength to walk right now. I..."

A sigh-like muttered word echoed through the cave walls. The monster sitting and resting snorted loudly. It seemed to mean it was noisy.

"Sorry... and thank you for bringing me here."

I expressed gratitude to the monster lying down. Its eyes, like blue flames, stared at me.

Andrea... Can you find this place?

Honestly, it seemed unlikely. The footprints of the monster might have been left, but if the wind blew once, they would have been covered by the sand. Still, if Alan led the monster in a straight direction, we could be found if he kept going straight. That's what I hoped for.

Alan told me to rest, but I couldn't sleep well enough. Instead, I started counting the stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling. I counted out loud in case I fell asleep.

"One, two, three, four... yawn... five, six, rise... eight. ahhhh...nine...."

But I kept yawning. The monster next to me snorted again. Now I looked at it, he seemed to be mocking me.

"Hey, try running for six hours... Oh, you did run. Sorry."

I was about to make excuses but ended up apologizing awkwardly. Suddenly, the monster pricked up its ears and stood up.

"Huh? Hey, I said I'm sorry... Why are you suddenly so serious?"

At that moment, a distant rumbling sound was heard. It was a regular and loud sound. The monster turned its head. I also stood up and looked at the cave entrance.

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