Chapter 60

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The horse we were riding seemed to have a rather aggressive nature. It didn't hesitate when faced with obstacles like a pile of dirt blocking the path, instead of showing fear or trying to turn back, it snorted forcefully and pushed forward with its feet. Thanks to that, I could momentarily forget the awkwardness of being embraced in Andrea's arms.

"Uh, why is it acting like this?"

"Well, it seems to want to jump over."

The horse took a step back. Andrea and I immediately realized that this horse was starting to sprint.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't let it run like that!

"Lower your body a bit and hold the reins tightly. Don't worry, you won't fall. Just trust me

Saying that, Andrea pressed his chest and stomach against my back. He also added strength on the arms that stretched out on either side of my body, making me feel like I had entered a solid fortress. His breath tickled my neck, and his chin nestled into the space between my neck and shoulder. It fit together like a lost puzzle piece.

I closed my eyes and lowered my body completely. It was almost like the posture of a puppy lying on the ground. Although I heard Andrea's amused laughter from above, I paid it no mind. The horse was larger than I had anticipated, and if it were to fall while leaping through the air, it could result in broken legs or even instant death.

Soon, the horse started galloping.


The perceived speed was incredible. As the hooves pounded the ground and leaped forward, Andrea and I felt our bodies slightly lift into the air.

Thud. My buttocks settled onto the saddle. The horse didn't stop but continued to run. With closed eyes, I maintained the low posture, tightly gripping the reins.

"Del, open your eyes."

Why, why?"

"We've passed the dirt pile. It's okay to open your eyes now."

"I'm good. I'll just keep my eyes closed."

Trembling, I rejected in one breath. Andrea pulled the reins a little harder.

"Whoa, whoa."

It seemed like he was trying to slow down the horse because I was too scared. However, the horse was very stubborn. Perhaps tired of pulling the carriage with tight reins until now, it now felt much lighter, almost flying. Ignoring Andrea's touch, the horse started running even faster.


"Oh no."

Andrea stopped provoking the horse and focused on protecting me. The wind swept across my forehead and cheeks. I couldn't open my eyes due to the air forcefully hitting my face, even without making an effort to close them. Breathing properly became difficult, and I made silly, wheezing sounds like a fool.

Then it happened. Andrea's hand covered my face. Since my face was naturally small, and Andrea's hand was large, it almost completely covered my face. Thanks to that, the wind that was rushing towards my face suddenly stopped. It felt like an additional layer of protection, I sensed comfort in his touch.

"It's okay, you can open your eyes now."

I slowly opened my eyes. The view was cramped, but a white light was coming through Andrea's fingers. I saw the world unfolding through the gap between his fingers. Tall trees on either side rushed by rapidly. The black mane of the horse, joyfully galloping as if enjoying freedom, flowed like waves. The clear sky seemed to be pouring in through the gap between Andrea's fingers. Seeing that, my heart suddenly ached.

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