Chapter 95

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Andrea just stared at Del with a blank expression on his face. Even though his embrace was empty, I couldn't feel it.

"I will attend to the angel, so please stay away."

Del put his head on the shoulder of his servant and closed his eyes. Soon, another servant spread a large parasol. The servants slowly walked towards the house, surrounding Del in a circle as if to protect him from Andrea.

Andrea, who was left alone, stood still with his eyes blinking.

'No matter how angry he is... Isn't this a bit too much?'

No, is it true that in the first place, you were angry because of jealousy? Could it be that his memories came back?

It was not a lie or a lie to say that I hoped Del would not regain his memory. He could even say he was a little scared.

If Del regains his memories, will he run away again? No, he was sure to run away. That was natural. Andrea was a monster who harassed Del, and Del had already escaped from Andrea.

If Del ran away without Andrea knowing....

Andrea's footsteps became faster. If Del ran away again, the Prince, the Duke, the priest, and the Magic Tower Lord would all lose Del. So, Andrea's goal of separating Del was achieved. If Del had regained his memory, he would have escaped even more far than before, so he might never have been caught again.

But why am I so nervous?

He came to help Del run away. Of course, he was trying to get him safe, but if Del hid secretly, Andrea didn't have to intervene. Andrea thought so with his head.


Andrea opened the door to Del's house as if breaking the door. Del, who was lying on the bed, and the servants who carefully laid him down all looked at Andrea in surprise.

'You're still in front of me.'

Andrea, who was anxious, calmed his chest and walked leisurely.

"How outrageous! The angel was surprised!"

One of the servants who had taken Del away scolded him. But Andrea simply ignored him.

Del's face was still red as he sat with his back against the head of his bed. Del usually took a walk around sunset, but today he went out in broad daylight.

Andrea picked up a bottle of water from the table and stood by Del.

"Cool off. Del."

Del seemed to hesitate for a moment but soon took the bottle Andrea gave. He drank the water with a gulp. His long, white neck flexed back, and his thick neck moved up and down with the sound of swallowing. The sight was strangely sensual, and Andrea followed Del's neck with his eyes.

But it wasn't just Andrea who felt that way. The surrounding servants also watched Del drink with their mouths open. The thin streams of water flowed between Del's red lips. Someone gulped. And that sound touched the nerves of the sensitive assassin.

Who the hell is gulped at Del right now?

It didn't matter to Andrea because Del was half crazy, but it was a big deal for the servants who were serving Del by his side.

When Andrea turned his gaze sharply to the side, the servant who had brought Del glared at him. His round eyes were full of anger. When Andrea smiled at him.

"How's your friend's wrist?"

It was a sneer full of mockery, saying, "Do you want to end up like that too?"

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