Chapter 93

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That wasn't all

[Andrea Sloane's favorability increases +1!]

His favorability has increased! Although it only went up by 1, it was still good news.

I wanted to ask Andrea if he was okay. But since no words came out, I had to ask through my actions. So I used both hands to check his forehead, cheeks, shoulders, and back, making sure he wasn't hurt. Fortunately, there was no blood or broken bones.

Andrea's face scrunched up as he watched me check his for injuries.


He couldn't say anything else. He took a deep breath and then hugged me tightly. Even though I was weak, I was still a grown man, but it felt like I was being held like a cotton doll. My pride was a little hurt, but Andrea hugged me and carried me into the house with a determined look on his face.

As servants gathered around Fernando in the distance, they disappeared from my sight. Andrea kicked the door closed with his foot and sat me down on the bed. He checked my body more carefully and seriously than before. It was like being examined by a doctor.

He checked my eyes, turned my neck carefully, and pressed on my wrists and ankles.

"Luckily, there's no serious injury. But please, never put yourself in danger like that again. What would I do if you got hurt?"

Andrea's voice was stern and cold. His attitude was different from the emotional outburst from before. It was like he wanted to pretend he didn't get angry.

But he did get angry. Because he cares about me. What if I got hurt? He couldn't act rationally. My favorability also increased by 1.

Suddenly, affection welled up in my heart as if someone pumped it into my heart. I leaned forward and hugged his waist tightly.


Andrea was embarrassed and grabbed my arms in surprise. It was good to see his composure break again. I held his waist even tighter and lifted my head up to look at him. When our eyes met, his jaw muscles clenched as if he had bitten his molars. He made a strangled sound.

"......Don't try to seduce me."

Seduce? I never even thought about that! How could he distort my sincerity like that?

I pouted and wrote in my notebook.

[I just wanted to hug Andrea. Not seduce him... What am I supposed to do when he looks at me like I'm a seducer?]

As soon as Andrea saw my confident and sharp defense, he let out a deep sigh.

"Yes, I was wrong. I'm sorry. But still, promise me you won't do something like that again."

I nodded. I was scared anyway and didn't want to get involved again. I was worried Andrea might get hurt or killed. And since Fernando is kind to me, I wonder if I can get him to stop him from challenging Andrea again.

"......Let's finish our meal. We should eat well."

Andrea said that and helped me up to the dining table. The food and drinks on the table were still warm and tempting. Andrea handed me a cup of camel milk.

"It hasn't cooled down yet, right"

He grinned.

His smile felt like he was pounding on my heart, so I couldn't help but lower my head and drink the camel milk. It was strong but had a warm and nutty flavor. I drank half of it and started writing in my notebook.

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