Chapter 57 ⚠️

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(*warning* contains 19+ content)

What happened?

The alcohol had kicked in. I was so startled in the bathtub, water splashed everywhere. Andrea, who had accidentally got wet by the water, wiped his wet face with one hand.

"It's because your body was too cold, so I put you in the hot water. I didn't do anything."

Didn't do anything? I was completely naked. I wasn't even wearing underwear. My genitals, which were clear in the water, could be seen. Strictly speaking, it was Del Narcissus' genitals. The white skin was tinged with brightly pink genitals, and the light-colored body hair was clearly visible.

I covered my genitals with both hands. Andrea poured hot water on my upper body, knowing exactly where I was covering. His hands grazed my shoulders, chest, and back.


I made an unintentional moan. Andrea's hands stopped for a moment, and my face turned bright red. Ah, how can I handle this 200% sensitivity?

"......I'll be in the bedroom, so come out when your body warms up. Your clothes are in front of the bathroom door."

He quickly got up and went out.

And I saw it in a fleeting moment. Something unmistakable was rising from his right thigh.

Even in the hot water, I could feel a chill and goosebumps. I bent my body down until my head was submerged in the water. That ruthless size and thickness. Of course, Andrea wouldn't attack me, but I thought I should leave as late as possible.

How long will it take for a penis that size to calm down? It shouldn't take too long. Or else I'll faint in the bathtub.


"I'm fainting, I think I'm about to faint................"

I stumbled out of the bathroom, barely dressed in the prepared clothes, and walked to the bedroom. Andrea, who had changed into clean clothes, quickly got up and sat me on the bed.

"Why did you stay there so long?"

Andrea scolded me. I closed my eyes pretending to be dizzy, so I wouldn't look between his legs.

"Because it was warm............... and it felt good.............."

At my words, Andrea laughed as if he was bewildered.

"But what if you stay until you feel dizzy? Your face is completely flushed."

Yeah, yeah. What are you worried about, that the body you like will feel dizzy? I turned my head to the other side with my mouth pursed. Then I realized that there was only one bed in this room.

"Why is there only one bed? Can we sleep together in this room?"


Andrea brightly confirmed.

"Of course, we have to share a room."

"Is it because there is only one room left? The other inns are all full because of the heavy rain?"

I asked, thinking it was a cliché in the romance world, but Andrea answered naturally.

"No. This inn is big. There are many rooms."

"But why..."

"It would be a big problem if Del ran away. We should sleep together. Right next to each other."

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