Chapter 134

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Andrea's first murder was very emotional and impulsive.

In the house where he was raised, or rather, where he was bred as a slave, were full of children. It was as if they were herded and raised like pigs, with each room in the old and small two-story house filled with children.

All the children living in that house were boys. The strategy was to 'invest' time until they grew tall and muscular enough to become useful slaves. It wasn't that the slave master had any remaining conscience or moral principles that prevented him from taking in girls. They simply didn't wait for girls, as there were many horny bastards ready to pounce on any girl, regardless of how old or young she was.

The slave master referred to his house as an orphanage, and among the very young children, there were some who naively and foolishly believed they were living in an orphanage. Andrea was somewhat weak with such children – the kind, soft ones who ended up suffering the most.

The children had no names. Although some named each other or created names, most didn't bother with such pointless things. They roughly called each other based on physical features like hair or eye color. For example, Andrea was called "Eyes" because his pink eyes were creepy, and another kid was called "Button" because his nose was round like a button.

Button was one of the kids Andrea had a soft spot for. Every time he smiled, he looked like an incredibly foolish idiot. Andrea had even kindly advised him once, "If you keep laughing like that, you'll lose your teeth soon." But Button continued to smile like an idiot.

He couldn't remember if the slave master was in a bad mood that day or not. What mattered was that Button, out of habit, laughed while serving the slave master's dinner, and the slave master didn't like it.

Andrea was quite used to the loud noises in the restaurant The sound of plates breaking, chairs falling, and the sound of fists. All the children in the house, including Andrea, showed no reaction.

It was common for the slave master to lose their temper and it was common for them to become the target of their anger if they were lucky to be around them. Button and Andrea had experienced it many times before. Being beaten until they couldn't move and getting cursed until it was over. Andrea expected the same that day.

Still, that Button bastard was blind, so he was a bit uneasy. Thinking this, Andrea took a deep breath and opened the restaurant door. Button had been punched to some extent so he decided to let Button go and take the beating himself.

"Ah, Eyes, you came at the right time. Put this away."

At that moment, the slave master spat on the fallen Button's body. Button was dead. His once button-like nose was completely crushed, turning into a bloody mess, and one of Button's teeth had fallen off and was lying at Andrea's feet. Andrea thought calmly, "I knew it would come to this sooner or later. He wasn't particularly surprised or angry. This idiot was destined to die like this sooner or later."

He definitely thought so.

When Andrea came to his senses, he found himself smashing the slave master's head. Over and over again... with a chair, fists, whatever he could find – plates, forks, bottles. He mercilessly crushed the slave master's face. It was a brutal and messy murder, lacking skill or finesse. It was so cruel that if caught by the knights, he would have gone straight to death row.

But for the first time, Andrea felt a sense of liberation. It was similar to happiness. Happy taking someone's life.

Since joining the Cruel Guild, Andrea hadn't killed anyone emotionally again. He relaxed as little as possible, deliberately suppressing emotions, neither overly happy nor getting too sad. Lightly, everything was taken lightly.

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