Chapter 87

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"Do you remember my name?"

Del blinked his large, innocent eyes in response to Andrea's question. He wrote down his response in a notebook.

[The Gods told me. Andrea Sloane]

Andrea didn't know how to react so he scratched his eyebrows.

Really... is he hearing the words of the gods? He thought it was just the Tribal chief's bullshit. He had assumed that his belief in being an angel from heaven was from the brainwashing by the chief. But now, did the gods really tell him?

"By any chance... Do you remember the names of the Crown Prince, the Grand Duke, the priest, or the Magic Tower lord?"

However, Del looked puzzled at this question. His attitude conveyed that he had no connection with such people.

"Does that mean only my name remains in your memory?"

As Andrea thought that, he felt a warm and comforting sensation in his chest, almost making his heart feel tight.

There's no way anyone could have told him in advance. No one in the world knew Andrea's real name. A former guild member who used to be friends with knew his full name, Andrea Sloane, but after he chose suicide after failing his mission, no one else knew his name. Except for the fake Del Narcissus.

Even if he considered that only the name "Andrea Sloane" remained after he lost all his memories, it felt strange. And even if he considered that the gods really revealed it, it felt strange. Either way, it felt like Andrea was someone who had a great impact on Del.

But that didn't make sense. In Andrea's opinion, he wasn't even in Del's mind. The real Del Narcissus was literally unaware of Andrea's existence, and the fake Del Narcissus caught Andrea off guard and ran away.

Del put the notebook and pen in his pocket and excitedly ran forward. There was an oasis, the foundation of Sablum Village. In Sablum, they referred to that oasis as the "Fountain of Life."

Although the Fountain of Life was not far from where Andrea and Del walked, just running a little made Del breathe heavily. His complexion turned unusually pale, so Andrea had to make Del sit under a tree.

"Your stamina has weakened a lot."

Andrea mumbled, offering water to Del. After Del drank the water from the canteen and wiped his wet mouth with the back of his hand, he took out the notebook.

[This is also the divine punishment. Sometimes I vomit blood and faint.]

Andrea looked seriously at the notebook. Could the food provided by the people of Sablum be poisoned? He glanced at the Fountain of Life suspiciously but quickly shook his head. It couldn't be the water; everyone in the village drank from there. So, then...

It was when he was considering another possibility, Del tugged hard on the hem of Andrea's clothes. When he turned around, Andrea saw Del looking at something with a pleased expression. Andrea shifted his gaze to where Del's gaze was directed

Andrea saw two small chubby desert mice sitting side by side, drinking from the spring. Without much interest in those small creatures. Andrea turned his gaze back to Del.

Del's green eyes were sparkling as if he had seen something very precious. His long and delicate eyelashes trembled with excitement. Come to think of it, even when they spent time for a while, Del would look at stray dogs or cats on the street with affectionate eyes. Perhaps he liked small and cute things.

"Do you like desert mice?"

Andrea asked softly, and Del's eyes lit up, scribbling something in his notebook.

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