Chapter 20

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I approached Woofu slowly, step by step. As I got closer, Woofu's pupils dilated, and his breathing became more intense. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared of the sight of Woofu's large neck swallowing saliva, but this was my battleground. I placed my hand on Woofu's head.

"Don't do anything reckless. Woofu tears people apart,"

Hunter said. It was a scary warning that made my legs feel weak but, I didn't stop, scratching Woofu's broad forehead. Woofu's continued to growl, but there was no sign of it attacking or trying to devour me. The giant tiger snorted long breaths as it once again extended its tongue, licking my neck and face from bottom to top.

"...Woofu seems to like you,"

Hunter said in an unimpressed voice. However, I knew how surprised Hunter truly was. Woofu was a murderous tiger, practically a wild beast trained to not be tamed by anyone except Hunter.

But now, in my arms, was a bundle of catnip grass. To put it simply a drug for cats.

I pretended to be innocent and put on an innocent, clueless face.

"How did you know Woofu was sick? Very few people know that fact."

In the Melian Empire, a tiger-like Woofu, which followed only the Crown Prince, was considered a kind of religious symbol. The tiger was the symbol of the god Eura, and people regarded Woofu, which obeyed only Hunter, as a sacred animal. Woofu was part of Hunter's power.

So, Hunter must have been very worried when Woofu started to get sick, In addition to the pain of a beloved and cherished pet. It would mean that part of Hunter's power was crumbling

"Is someone conspiring with you?"

Hunter asked casually. His expression wasn't fierce, and his gaze wasn't sharp. It was as if he was asking if I had had lunch today. But I knew Hunter was an unchanging character who didn't show mercy to those blocking his path.

So, the question he just asked could either save or doom me. I swallowed my saliva and answered cautiously.

"I love animals."

"You love animals."

"Yes, very, very much."

As I spoke earnestly, Hunter's eyebrows twitched slightly.

"So, that's how I knew. When the tiger attacked me, I sensed something unusually ill!"

I gestured to Woofu's face.

"Do you see the trembling around the eyes here? That's because of the lack of magnesium. The nose is dry too. Normally, big cats like this should have moist noses. Right now, the Tiger's nose is almost turning into a desert. Plus, these teeth! Continuously showing fangs and growling. Can you see the saliva slightly accumulating in its mouth? It's a serious problem. Right now."

When I was young, I raised a hamster once and later took care of some stray cats. That was the extent of my experience with animals. However, I spoke confidently and rapidly, like an animal expert. Hunter was listening to me with a more stern expression than before. Judging by the subtle changes in his expression, I could tell he was paying quite a bit of attention.

"You, are you a veterinarian?"

"I'm not a vet. Just someone who loves animals very, very much, and I can be considered someone who knows how to fix this tiger."

This statement was true. I was the player of this game, and Hunter Melian was a character I had already conquered. I had fixed this tiger several times before, even if it was just a few mouse clicks. Nevertheless, knowing the method was crucial.

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