Chapter 96

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Going one step further, the tribal Chief pulled out a large curved sword from his waist. I saw Del getting startled by the cool sound of the sword being drawn. Andrea calculated how much more he could endure. At most, it seemed like one more minute at best.

"If the angel commands, I will cut Fernando's neck right here and now. The light of our Sablum. It is right to punish the one who dares to wield a sword against the angel, our symbol of grace. Please give me an order."

Del, trembling, picked up a notebook from the table. His hand, holding the notebook, was trembling.

[I will forgive you, so don't ask for it]

"But, dear angel, you must show an example so that the warriors of the desert do not disrespect you. How many times have I told you this? Only blood can convince warriors."

[I will forgive if you promise not to do it again]

The tribal Chief looked at Del, who was shaking pitifully and pretending to be angry. He sighed.

"Well... If that's the angel's will... Then, can we entrust the angel's care to Fernando as an act of atonement? It seems impossible to wash away the sin like this."

The tribal Chief said, licking his lips. "Since Fernando has lost a hand, he can no longer go to the battlefield. If he cannot be by the angel's side, it would be better for him to take his own life."

"Yes, Angel! My life has already been discarded, I want to offer it to you!"

Fernando shouted as blood started to flow from his forehead, Del nodded quickly with a face that seemed to collapse at any moment.

However, Del could even write a few words, a clear and cheerful laughter interrupted.

"Haha. How amusing."

Andrea walked slowly towards Del. Even though it was a leisurely pace, the Chief's chest muscles tensed as they approached. It felt like the air around them was changing.

"If the chief says so, our kind angel has no choice but to forgive, right? Because he can't be a person who throws away others' lives like trash."

Andrea wrapped one arm around Del's shoulder and pulled him towards him. The warmth emanating from his solid body was felt next to Del.

"Why are you trying to stick that fanatical believer to Del again? To see if the angel runs away? Or do you want to get rid of the thorn attached to the angel's side?"

With a playful smile, Andrea's words made the tribal Chief snort.

"That's a clear misunderstanding. There's no way the angel would abandon our Sablum and run away. And we have no intention of tearing you away. Of course, it's indeed uncomfortable for someone like you who denies the true nature of the angel, but how can we harm someone who is receiving the angel's favor?"

The tribal chief said that and sheathed the sword back at his waist.

"I accepted you as a guardian knight and allowed you to stay in Sablum, but I don't think you have the qualification to represent the angel's will. So don't cross the line. Don't interfere in the conversation either."

After warning Andrea, the chief respectfully bowed to Del.

"We'll leave Fernando here. Please do what you wish. You can kill him or heal him. it's up to you. Just don't send him back. The fate of a useless warrior is only suicide. Merciful Angel, I believe you won't burden Fernando with such a fate."

With that, the chief left, leaving only Fernando behind. Fernando continued to lie down, blood streaming from his head. Del sighed deeply and brought ointment and bandages from somewhere. He then squatted in front of Fernando and offered them.

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