Chapter 23

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<When I was young, my mother was very interested in Teheit's culture. So, I learned a bit from her.>

I didn't know whether Del Narcissus's mother liked Teheit's culture or not. I couldn't just explain that this body has a language function built into it so I cover it up with that. But those words alone made the Queen very happy.

<There are no Tehitians around me or anyone that speaks Tehititan. Hunter knows a bit of it but it's at the level of a baby babbling>

<Haha, the Crown Prince doing baby talk. I'd really love to hear it.>

<Come visit sometime. You have to hear that child speaking Teheit. It's truly amusing.>

If the Queen had a favorability rating, I was sure that her favorability had increased by about 30 points at that moment. She showed a noticeably different attitude, and the beautiful woman who had a sorrowful feeling to her now brightened up when she laughed, creating an illusion that the dark garden was brighter.

I came here because of Hunter, but it is nice to see someone so happy

I had that thought without realizing it

<After Teheit fell, I couldn't find the energy to do anything. But conversing in my native language like this feels like I'm living again.>

The Queen said with a bitter tone.

In the game setting, Teheit was completely wiped off the map after losing in a war against other kingdoms. The royal family and nobles were all killed, and the people scattered. The Queen's mother country was destroyed, and the Great Empire Melian, did nothing. The Emperor couldn't easily support Teheit as they were deeply involved in trade with the other kingdoms. In the meantime, Teheit collapsed quickly.

I had seen a story where the Queen knelt before the Emperor, holding onto his trouser legs, begging pitifully. However, the Emperor found such a Queen embarrassing and sought other empresses. Many princes and princesses, including the second prince, were born during that time.

"After that, the Queen lost all enthusiasm for life and secluded herself in the palace. She never came out of the Queen's Palace and spent day and night taking care of her garden, soothing her depression and anger.

After the foreign Queen chose to commit suicide, Queen Alena rose to power as she was favored by the emperor. She was the mother of the second prince and the daughter of the powerful Duke Philosti. Naturally, the balance of power in the palace tilted toward Empress Alena and the second prince.

Hunter was truly fighting his own battle. He was maintaining his position as the Crown Prince solely based on his abilities.

Nevertheless, Hunter didn't hold a grudge against his mother. What he disliked was his father, the Emperor. Although it will be revealed later with a bit more favorability, Hunter was secretly preparing to assassinate the Emperor, imprinting the smell of the Emperor on Woofu.

Hunter always felt guilt and sadness towards the Queen. Spending time together in the garden while she was depressed, he even had a walkway built to connect his palace and the Queen's Palace.

In other words, the Queen was his weakness.

Seeing the Queen's smiling face, I, too, felt captured by a slight sense of guilt and sadness. The Queen, who should have been lively and energetic in her youth, was now trapped in the garden, pouring all her attention into each petal and leaf.

It's just a game character, but...aren't game developers going too far? What if the game they created becomes reality, and why did they make the character's life story so cruel?

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