Chapter 59

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Andrea must have been afraid that I would harm myself again, so he took my hands and led me to the bedroom. He silently handed me the underwear and pants I wore yesterday, then went downstairs to ask what time breakfast would be served.

His attitude was very calm and polite, he didn't laugh at me when he saw me half naked or get excited. In fact, when I panicked over the fact I forgot my name, to calm me down. He quickly gave me the name "Del" as a name to use and revealed his own real name. Aside from his job as a killer, Andrea seemed like a decent guy.

But why did I have such an erotic dream about this kind and loyal man? It wasn't just a simple dream, it felt forced, fake, and suffocating. I was scared and worried, and that's probably why I had that dream. But then, the last thing I said in the dream came back to me.

"I want it."

I let out a laugh and put on my pants, opening the window. I wanted to see if I could escape through it. But we were on the 5th floor, so even if I managed to jump out, I would probably break a leg.

No, what if I just died? Yeah, let's do that. Before things get even more embarrassing, let's just end it here...


Someone below called out to me. It was a small voice, but in the quiet and chilly village at dawn, I could hear it clearly. I looked down to find the source of the voice. Andrea was standing in the inn's front yard, waving at me.

"Come down."

He pretended to stir a spoon in the air.

"Breakfast is ready."

He was acting like what just happened was nothing. When I saw his sunny and relaxed face, my appetite appeared. Andrea, being a man himself, probably had some rough idea of why I emerged from the bathroom that early morning, tossing my underwear aside. Despite that, he was pretending that didn't know.

I closed the window and left the room. The steps down to the first floor felt heavy, but I soon composed myself.

Why should I bother if that bastard wants to play dumb? If I confidently walk out, that should be the end of it. And even if I had a wet dream at my age, he wouldn't know about it, right?

Suppressing my face, which kept trying to turn red, I entered the restaurant. Andrea was sitting at a table in the middle, with only one sleepy-looking waiter serving.

"Come over here,"

Andrea warmly gestured to the seat across from him. I swallowed my saliva and took my seat. On the table, there was some bread, butter, and a few slices of cold ham.

"They said they can't give me anything other than this because it's too early. But as long as it fills your stomach."

Andrea said as he spread butter on his bread.

"Luckily, the rain has stopped. The roads might get a bit muddy, slowing down our travel, but it's better than being completely stuck, right?"


I nodded, tearing the bread into small pieces. The bread was cold and hard.

"The coachman seems to have stayed in a different inn. I'll have breakfast and then go out to look for him. I'll ask him to bring the carriage here. Is it okay if we leave a bit earlier? Since we have a goal, it's better to move quickly."


I nodded and started spreading butter on the bread, wrapping it with a few slices of ham. After creating a small sandwich, I took a bite.

"It's an unusual way to eat. Does it taste better that way? Should I try it too?"

"Do as you please."

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