Chapter 7

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"So scary..."

I quickly closed my eyes, controlled my breathing to hide the pounding heart, and waited for the intruder to leave. Fortunately, the maid seemed not to notice that I had awakened and resumed her previous tasks. She murmured for about five minutes before leaving quietly, just like when she came in.

I lay still for a while even after she left, waiting until I was certain she wouldn't return. Then, I got up. Carefully stepping in the direction where the maid acted suspiciously, I ended up at the desk.

In this small prisoner's room with nothing, what could she possibly have done?

I started searching through the desk drawers. In the first drawer, there were scriptures of Eura, the god of Eura, and an old pocket watch. The second drawer contained a fountain pen rolling around, and in the last drawer... an obviously suspicious pouch full of gold coins.

Even in the darkness, the glittering gold coins shone as I put my hand inside. There was a substantial amount of gold coins tangled between my fingers.

It was a blatantly visible trap. For some reason, the maid seemed to want me to die at Khan's hands. In that case, I couldn't just tolerate it.


The next morning, I woke up slowly. Even though something strange happened yesterday dawn, I felt well-rested, perhaps because my body was tired. However, when I opened my eyes, the door was wide open, and in front of my bed stood Khan, along with the butlers and maids lined up.


As I made a weird sound, Khan furrowed his brows and bent down to scrutinize me.

"Why... Why is this happening?"

"I wondered when you'd wake up. It's fascinating how you're just sleeping soundly while so many people come in."

Saying that, Khan straightened up and gestured towards the servants standing behind him.


"Suddenly, what...!"

The servants scattered to search both above and below the bed, the drawers of the desk, and the small bathroom and toilet attached to the room. Among them was the maid with twin tails from yesterday.

I had anticipated being accused of theft since I had planted the pouch of gold coins, but I never expected them to drag so many people here to search the room thoroughly. As I made a face expressing my unfairness, Khan, with his thick arms, raised his fist and raised one corner of his mouth.

"I guess you have no idea what's going on?."

I got some sense. However, I nodded and raised my eyebrows. I was confident that Del Narcissus's face would certainly be cold and lifeless, and I questioned.

"Why on earth are you doing this? I was just sleeping..."

Instead of answering, Khan scrutinized me as if suspicious. Then his gaze stopped at my neck. There was a bruise, a mark left by him yesterday. His eyes darkened and deepened. A thug-like butler approached.

"Nothing came out."

I glanced around the room with an expression of not understanding. Quickly scanning the maid with twin tails, I noticed she seemed visibly flustered.

"What do you mean nothing came out? What... What disappeared?"

Looking up at Khan with cute, puzzled eyes like a helpless kitten, I asked. He raised his eyebrows and simultaneously, an alert popped up in front of me

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