Chapter 35: Hearbeats of Mine

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June 15 - 10:02

Former Kingdom of Alfreya, Church of Eliaya

[<Psychometry> ACTIVE]

"Huh?" I was taken aback by this sudden message, my mind still foggy from what felt like a short nap on the pew.

If I can recall correctly, I just dozed off for a moment, didn't I?

"What the heck is even happening..." I muttered under my breath, trying to make sense of the abrupt shift in my surroundings.


I exhaled deeply, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me.

"Now... where the heck am I?" I muttered to myself, scanning the unfamiliar scene around me.

The church was unmistakable, but something was distinctly off.

Its architecture, usually comforting and familiar, now appeared distorted with a strange white hue enveloping everything.

And the temperature... If memory served me right, it was a sweltering day outside.

But here... it's cold. Not just cold, it's bone-chillingly freezing.


I sneezed suddenly, the cold air making my whole body shiver involuntarily.

"Now what's gonna happen?" I mumbled to myself, wrapping my arms tightly around my body in a feeble attempt to generate some warmth.


Another sigh escaped my lips as I resigned myself to the unsettling situation.

With no clear direction in mind, I began to walk aimlessly forward.

As I took my first step, the sensation beneath my feet was unnerving, like walking on thin ice that could crack at any moment... But despite the uncertainty, I pressed on.

Step by step, I continued forward, each footfall echoing through the eerily distorted space.

After what felt like an eternity, I paused, trying to gauge how far I'd traveled.

"I must have taken hundreds of steps by now," I muttered to myself, frustration mounting as the space around me seemed to expand with each stride.

"This is absurd," I exclaimed aloud, frustration boiling over at the surrealness of it all.

But even as I voiced my discontent, I knew deep down that it wouldn't change my predicament.

As I ventured further into the unknown, the surroundings continued to warp and stretch, leaving me feeling more disoriented than ever.

"I need to figure out what's going on," I thought to myself, desperation creeping into my voice.

Then, a memory flashed through my mind.


[<Psychometry> ACTIVE]

"Huh?" I was caught off guard by the sudden activation of my psychometric abilities.

(Flashback End)

"My psychometry... it's been activated?" I murmured, the realization dawning on me.

But something felt off.

"Didn't my skill have a cooldown?" I pondered aloud, furrowing my brow in confusion.

Was this activation intentional, or was it happening beyond my control?

As I furrowed my brows in confusion, trying to make sense of the situation, my heart suddenly began to pound in my chest.


The sound echoed loudly in the strange, distorted space around me, sending a shiver down my spine.



A message abruptly appeared, flashing before my eyes and ringing in my ears.

"Oh, crap," I cursed aloud, feeling a sense of dread wash over me.


Another loud sound reverberated through the air, causing me to tense up even more.

Then, a bone-chilling sensation crept over me as I sensed a presence behind me.

It was so cold, so unnerving, that I hesitated to turn around, fearing what I might see.

But I knew I had no choice.

With a gulp, I mustered up the courage to slowly turn myself 180 degrees.

And what I beheld before me was... indescribable.

The word that came to mind was "horrendous."

"Absolutely horrendous," I whispered, quickly covering my mouth with my hand in shock.

As I stared at the figure before me, I realized that my initial assessment might have been influenced by the freezing cold that surrounded us.

The figure, though terrifying, held a strange allure.

Every fiber of my being screamed at me to run away, to flee from this presence as far as possible.

Yet, I couldn't tear my gaze away.

The woman stood amidst the snow, a striking contrast to the white landscape that stretched out around her. Her flowing white dress seemed untouched by the frost, billowing gently in an unseen breeze. Her long, silvery hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall of moonlight, blending seamlessly with the snowy expanse at her feet.

She stood before a massive snow-covered tree, its branches laden with the weight of the crystalline snow. The tree stood tall and solitary, its dark form stark against the pale backdrop of the sky.

The woman's eyes were closed, as if lost in some internal reverie, oblivious to the world around her.

The scene was both serene and haunting, a tableau of solitude and contemplation.

But beneath the surface tranquility, there was an undercurrent of unease.

The woman's closed eyes and downturned expression hinted at a hidden turmoil, a sorrow that lurked beneath her serene exterior.

The snow-covered tree, standing alone in the vastness of the landscape, seemed to mirror her isolation, its solitary presence echoing her own loneliness.

And then, without warning, the figure spoke.

"Y▆u s▆▆▆ b▆ h▆e▆," her voice echoed, the words distorted and incomprehensible.


"We D▆n't ha▆▆ tim—e," another warning flashed before me, urgent and fragmented.


"I'll giv-e y▆u an adv▆▆e," the voice continued, strained and distorted.


"Don't t-trust anyone," the final warning came, the words disjointed and garbled.

And with that, the distorted world around me began to fade, the figure melting away into the white expanse until there was nothing left but emptiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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