Chapter 23: Miasma Crisis

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My heart raced as I glanced down at my arm, my breath catching in my throat.


A robotic voice filled the air, further alarming me.


the voice announced urgently.

"C-Corrosion?!" I stammered, my voice trembling with fear.

Seer, a calmly approached me, his voice soothing. "I know what happened to your arm, but first, you need to calm down," he suggested.

"How can I calm down?!" I exclaimed, panic seeping into my words.



The air around me grew dense and murky, suffocating me.



I coughed violently, splatters of blood staining my surroundings, a grim testament to the severity of the situation.

As the corrosive miasma engulfed me, everything became blurred, my senses dulled.

"Hey, BOY!" Seer shouted, his voice urgent as he approached me.

Realizing I couldn't endure this torment much longer, I mustered all my strength and called out, desperation lacing my voice. ""

In the final moments of my suffering, I succumbed to darkness, blacking out.


Silence enveloped me, and when I awoke, I found myself in an unfamiliar room, staring up at an ornately carved wooden ceiling. Sunlight streamed through the small, dusty windows, casting a warm glow over the room's rustic furnishings.

I slowly sat up, the ache in my body a constant reminder of the trial I had endured. As I glanced down, I saw my right arm encased in tightly wrapped bandages, a vivid symbol of the pain and sacrifice I had endured.

The room seemed frozen in time, filled with antique furniture that exuded a sense of history and melancholy. Shadows danced on the faded wallpaper, adding an air of mystery to my surroundings.

I reached out tentatively, my fingers tracing the coarse texture of the bandages. It was a tangible reminder of the transformation that had occurred, leaving me with a fragmented perception of the world around me.

"First the arm, and now my eye..." I sighed, a mixture of frustration and resignation coloring my voice.

Reflecting on my predicament, a gnawing sense of unease settled within me. It felt as though someone or something had orchestrated my suffering, leading me to this moment of profound uncertainty.

A heavy sigh escaped my lips as I tapped the bracelet on my wrist, seeking solace or answers. However, the device remained unresponsive, its functions temporarily unavailable.


"Unavailable, huh?" I muttered, a hollow tone echoing my disappointment.

With a heavy heart, I mustered the strength to rise from the bed. My movements were unsteady, but determination fueled my steps, refusing to succumb to the overwhelming weight of my circumstances.

Leaning on the support of nearby furniture, I navigated my weakened legs towards the wash basin. As I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, a chill ran down my spine.

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