Chapter 22: Darkened Horizons

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Seer looked at me with a frown, clearly disapproving of my reaction. I couldn't help but express my frustration.

"Well, is he expecting me to greet him after everything that has happened?" I muttered with a sigh.

Seer chuckled in response to my remark. "A coincidence, you say? I was thinking the same about you, boy," he said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Coincidence? I've been dealing with this nonsense for days!" I shouted, pointing my finger accusingly at him.

"Hey! Hey! It's not my fault that you're here!" Seer retorted, his frustration evident.

"Not your fault, huh? I find that hard to believe," I snapped, crossing my arms and turning away.

"It's true! Even I'm puzzled by your presence in this place. It's as if someone guided you here, and why me of all people?" Seer mused, lost in thought.

"Well... what were you doing before you came here?" he asked after a pause.

"Huh? Well..." I pressed my forehead with my fingers, trying to remember. "What was I doing again? I killed that hound a few minutes ago... before that... hmm, I was sleeping? But it doesn't make sense if I'm here. What the hell?"

"Oh, I see, haha!" Seer chuckled, and I turned around to face him, my curiosity piqued.

"Why are you laughing?" I questioned, still bewildered by the situation.

"Well, it seems you don't know why you're here, right?" he replied.

"How do you know?" I asked, puzzled.

"Well... it's clearly written on your face," he pointed his index finger at me.

"Was it that obvious?" I inquired, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and surprise.

"Yup," he nodded.

"So, you know what this place is?" I asked eagerly.

"Yup, you're in my backyard," he said, pointing his thumb over his shoulder.

I turned my gaze towards his backyard, taking in the mesmerizing sight. It was a place filled with shiny white flowers, some unfamiliar plants, and perhaps even vegetables. The warm sunlight bathed the area, giving it a countryside vibe. I could see farms and other elements that added to its charm. It was astonishing that such a place existed in proximity to the Labyrinth, contrary to what I had heard.

Taking my eyes off the enchanting scenery, I asked again, needing confirmation. "What? Say that again... I think I misheard something."

Seer let out a sigh. "Boy, this is my backyard."

"This... this place is your backyard? Then aren't you responsible for the mess I'm in?" I shouted, feeling a surge of anger.

"Nope, my backyard starts from where I'm standing, not where you stand," he clarified.

"Then where do I stand?" I demanded to know.

"In the Labyrinth," he responded matter-of-factly.

"What?" My voice faltered as I struggled to comprehend.

"Turn around," Seer instructed.

Confused, I followed his instruction and turned around. And there it was—a colossal gate that stood tall like a foreboding tower. Its construction exuded an air of mystery and ominous vibes. The gate was flanked by towering walls on either side, forming an imposing structure. It was a sight that left me stupefied, unable to process its existence.

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