Chapter 32: An Objective to Fulfill

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June 14 - 15:30

Helios Academy, Training Grounds, Eldoria



My lungs heaved, the weight of exhaustion clinging to every breath. Jiang Lei, my mentor for the day, strode up to me with an urgent air.

"Loid... here, you've been called." Jiang Lei's voice held a note of urgency as she handed me a document, her expression unusually serious.

Her words hit like a bolt of lightning—I'd been called for a mission? I stood there, panting, a question mark practically hanging above my head. Me? For a mission? It didn't compute.

With a heavy sigh, I relented, "Okay, I'll go..." My fingers found solace in running through my hair, a nervous tic I couldn't control.

Jiang Lei's eyes sparkled with an odd mix of amusement and surprise. "You're taking this pretty well, considering," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of teasing.

I managed a wry smile. "Well, what choice do I have?"

She chuckled lightly. "True enough. But hey, this might be your chance to shine, you know?"

I arched an eyebrow. "Shine? Me?"

"Yeah, you might surprise yourself," she encouraged, her tone oddly reassuring. "Just head to Professor Igor. He'll fill you in on the details."

"Details..." I repeated, my mind still reeling.

Lei nodded. "Exactly. This could be your ticket to graduation, Loid. Don't underestimate it."

Graduation. The word echoed, stirring a mix of uncertainty and a strange kind of excitement within me. "I'll give it a shot," I said with a half-hearted grin, unsure of what awaited me.

Jiang Lei's response held a hint of amusement or disbelief—I couldn't quite tell. I was to find Professor Igor for the mission's details. Graduation, she mentioned. The word hit me like a surprise attack.

I had been so out of touch with the academy's workings, almost oblivious. My thoughts swirled; I'd been considering a life away from combat, seeking peace in some distant, tranquil place. But this, this mission, graduation—it felt like a challenge, an unexpected turn.

"Sigh... I guess I'm trapped after all, huh?" The words slipped out almost involuntarily, revealing the turmoil within.

"What are you saying?" Lei's head tilted, her confusion mirrored in her gaze, unaware of the storm brewing inside me.

Exiting the Gauntlet, the air outside felt different, charged with anticipation. I made my way to Professor Igor's office, the document Lei handed me clutched tightly in my hand. After what felt like an eternity of corridors and twists, I finally reached the door, marked 'Professor Igor - Head of Expeditions.'

Pushing it open, the creak echoed through the room. There he stood, Professor Igor, a Russian man with a mane of white hair that seemed to shimmer under the faint light. His tired yet stern voice welcomed me, "At last, you're here... we were waiting for you."

"As you see," I replied with a hint of sarcasm, earning a sudden chuckle from within the room.

"Pff," I rolled my eyes, trying to gauge the source of amusement. Three individuals came into view, each with their unique aura. One appeared younger, silver-haired, clad in a white shirt and a long black tie.

The attire didn't quite match the scene, yet there he was, standing with an air of confidence.

Another figure, perhaps a priest or something similar, donned robes that screamed solemnity. His presence was a stark contrast to the silver-haired youth.

Lastly, the source of the chuckle, a man with glasses that failed to mask the sharpness of his eyes and the mischief in his grin. His energy was palpable, and the room seemed to dance to his tune.

"Temenos, this isn't a way to initiate a conversation, you know," the priest-like figure remarked lightly.

"But—But you know Pff—" Before another chuckle could escape, the priest swiftly silenced him with a jab to his stomach.

The scene unfolded before me, a peculiar group gathered. I couldn't help but think, my peace was long gone if I was to be stuck with them. Sob

The room fell into a momentary silence, broken only by the muffled cough of Professor Igor, as if to shatter the stillness hanging in the air. He cleared his throat, his gaze shifting between each of us before announcing the assignment—a journey to a fallen kingdom, an expedition of unknown depths and dangers.

As he handed us the document, containing intricate details and maps, the weight of the task sank in. We were to venture where mysteries lay buried and secrets whispered through ancient ruins.

Exiting the office, the four of us found ourselves standing in the hallway, the weight of anticipation heavy in the air. It didn't take long for conversation to spark among us.

"Names?" I ventured, breaking the initial awkwardness.

The silver-haired youth nodded, introducing himself as Elio. His confident demeanor hinted at experiences beyond his youthful appearance.

The one dressed like a priest revealed his name as Kane, his posture exuding a sense of wisdom and solemnity.

Lastly, the man with the cunning eyes and the mischievous grin was none other than Inquisitor Temenos. His presence carried an air of sharpness and intrigue, making me wonder what lay beneath that playful exterior.

"I'm Loid," I offered, feeling a tad out of place among this eclectic group.

"So, Loid, what brings you to this unexpected adventure?" Elio inquired, his tone curious yet inviting.

I hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "I was... called in for this mission. Seems like graduation hinges on it."

Kane nodded thoughtfully. "A significant moment for each of us, it appears."

"Why?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Because, all of us won't be able to graduate if this expedition isn't successful," he replied with a reassuring smile.

"What?" Confusion clouded my thoughts.

"You guys too?" I glanced at Elio and Temenos, seeking confirmation.

"Yep," Elio confirmed with a nod.

"Ye," Temenos chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Yes, we are together after all," Kane added, emphasizing the unity of our fates.

"Let's hope for the best *giggle," the priest said, his laughter carrying a mix of optimism and a hint of mystery.

"Oh, godammit," I cursed inwardly, the realization sinking in that our futures were intertwined in this perilous journey.

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