Chapter 30: Her Fear and His Resolve [ACT IV]

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ACT IV: Inevitable Foe & Omnipresence

XXXX - 18:02

Church of Ruele, Eldoria

Amidst the hushed ambiance of the aged church, an eerie tranquility enveloped the surroundings. The edifice itself stood as a testament to centuries past, its timeworn stones bearing the weight of forgotten prayers and secrets whispered in the dimly lit corners.

Inside, a congregation of mourners donned attire as dark as the shadows that clung to the walls. Their somber garb seemed to absorb what little light filtered through the stained glass windows, casting a pallor over the room.

The air was heavy with stillness, an oppressive silence that seemed to bear down upon Loid and Angela.

Their hearts weighed heavy as they gazed upon the casket, the final resting place of their comrade in arms and junior, Selena Frostbane. She had passed away just days after Loid emerged from a six-month coma, a cruel twist of fate that had shattered their world. Both Loid and Angela were cloaked in black coats that mirrored the abyss of their grief.

Their eyes, once vibrant and alive, now held a vacant, haunted look, causing those in attendance to shrink back, afraid to approach them and inquire about the tragic circumstances surrounding Selena's last moments.

"Do you think they're really as calm as they appear? It's just strange how they manage to stay so composed, as if they're not weighed down by any of this.", murmured a voice in the hushed congregation.

"Indeed, it's confusing. How can third-year students display such apparent incompetence, allowing their juniors to meet such a tragic fate?" questioned another, their words steeped in a mixture of disbelief and disdain.

A soft, disdainful click of the tongue followed. "Tch... One can hardly expect more from a scion of the ill-fated Herandez lineage and a once-noble bloodline fallen from grace," remarked a voice, dripping with a cruel mockery that seemed to echo through the dimly lit chamber.

Murmurs swirled around them, relentless as they bore down on Loid and Angela, who could do naught but endure.

As the funeral rites commenced, Angela's perception began to shift. The world around her blurred, and the once prominent sounds of mourning and whispered condolences faded into the background, leaving only the haunting echoes of their shared sorrow.

"I never imagined... Selena's death," Angela murmured to herself.

"*Chuckles... Do you truly believe anyone can survive a gunshot to the heart?" a shadow of doubt taunted her.

"You were fortunate! You survived because of him... *chuckle... and now you bear the weight of her death on your shoulders. You are responsible."

"You might argue it was that wretch with the gun, right? It could be, but I won't lay blame there but unto your incompetence"

"No... No! It's not my fault!" Angela refuted

"It's your doing, you foolish soul! If you persist in your foolishness, you may witness more of your friends and family meet the same fate," the shadow of doubt jeered.

As Angela took a deep breath and exhaled,

As her perception merged with reality,

"Ugh..." She groaned

"Angela! Are you alright? You appear to be in distress," Loid inquired with genuine concern.

"I'm... I think I'm fine... thanks, Loid" she replied.

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