Chapter 24: Between Reality and Illusion

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My heart skipped a beat, and a surge of disbelief coursed through me. "W-What?" I stammered, struggling to comprehend the weight of her words.

"Six months?! How is that even possible?" I thought, my mind racing with confusion.

"But it hasn't been long since I came here, Miss Angelica," I said, trying to make sense of the situation.

"Time passes differently here, boy," Seer replied calmly.

"Time passes differently here? That's frustrating," I muttered, feeling annoyed.

"Then what do I do now? I'm stuck here in a spiritual form, with nowhere to go and nothing to do," I asked in a rush.

"Heh, boy, you could become a rapper with that speed," Seer chuckled, attempting to lighten the tense atmosphere.

Angelica and I exchanged annoyed glances as she replied, "Uncle, now is not the time for jokes."

"Oh, come on! I was just trying to ease the tension," Seer pouted.

"By the way, Miss Angelica, do you know any way I can get out of here?" I asked, desperate for a solution.

"To be honest, I don't know. I'm sorry," Angelica said, deep in thought.


I sighed in frustration, facepalming myself in despair.

"Boy, don't worry too much. Just as you came here suddenly, you might also leave just as suddenly," Seer reassured, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"Is that how it works?" I turned to Angelica, hoping for confirmation.

"It's not likely, but it's not impossible either," she replied.

After a brief silence, Seer clapped suddenly, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Now, now! Don't overthink. How about we have dinner? I'll cook," Seer suggested.

I turned to Angelica and asked, "Do spirits need to eat?"

"Pff, I guess not," Angelica chuckled.

"Well, I suppose I should head to my room then," I said, preparing to leave.

But just as I was near the door, I heard a strange sound.


I turned around and asked Seer and Angelica, "Did you hear that strange sound?"

"What?" Angelica asked, looking at Seer.

He shrugged, indicating that he didn't hear anything.

"I swear I heard something," I said, feeling uneasy.

"Are you okay?" Angelica asked with concern.

"I guess," I answered, examining my right hand, which was covered in bandages.

Suddenly, my hand glowed red, but it was so faint that I couldn't make sense of it. It left me in a trance.

And then, I heard the sound again.


And again.


Even louder this time.



And then everything went black, and I lost consciousness.



Time: ???

Location: ???

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