Chapter 3: UNEASE

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"Aghhh! My head!"




"So where am I now ?"

Looking around me i found myself standing on a random terrain

It looked similar to those caves I have seen when i have gone outing with my college mates during summer vacation

The cave-like ruin that Grey found was a breathtaking sight. As he saw the chamber, he was struck by the cool, damp air that hung heavy with the scent of earth and mustiness. The room was dimly lit, with shafts of light filtering in from cracks in the ceiling and walls.

The walls of the ruin were made of rough-hewn stone, some of which had been smoothed and polished over time by erosion and the passing of countless visitors. The stones were arranged in an irregular pattern, forming rough arches and alcoves that gave the room an organic feel.

Small pools of water dotted the floor, reflecting the flickering light of Grey's torch. As he moved further into the chamber, 


he noticed that the pools were fed by a small stream that trickled through a crack in the ceiling. The sound of the water was soothing and calming, and Grey found himself drawn to it.

The ceiling of the chamber was high and arched, disappearing into darkness above. Stalactites hung down from the ceiling, some of them thin and spindly, others thick and imposing. The stalactites seemed to reach down toward the floor, as if they were trying to touch the stalagmites that rose up from the ground.

Despite the darkness and the musty smell, Grey felt a sense of awe and wonder as he explored

His eyes around the cave-like ruin. He couldn't help but feel as if he were walking in the footsteps of ancient civilizations, and the sense of history and mystery that surrounded him was palpable.

"But this is all good and all but what the heck is this smell ?"

I cautiously approached the source of the smell, my hand covering my nose and mouth. The stench was overwhelming, making my eyes water and my stomach churn. I knew that I was getting close to the body, and I steeled myself for what I was about to see.

As I rounded a corner, I saw it. A days-old corpse of a human, lying on the ground in a small clearing. The body was bloated and discolored, and the skin was starting to peel away from the bones. Flies buzzed around the corpse, attracted by the smell.

I could feel my gorge rising as I got closer to the body. The smell was almost unbearable now, a sickly-sweet odor that seemed to cling to my clothes and skin. I knew that I needed to examine the body to determine the cause of death, but I wasn't sure if I could handle it.

With a deep breath, I forced myself to move closer to the body. The stench was even worse now, and I felt bile rising in my throat. But I had a job to do, and I couldn't let my disgust get in the way.

As I looked more closely at the body, I noticed signs of trauma - bruises on the neck and head, and a broken arm. It was clear that this person had been murdered.

But even as I worked to process what I had found, the smell of the days-old corpse of a human lingered in my nose, reminding me of the fragility of life and the inevitability of death.

Epitome of ImaginationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang