Chapter 19: Revelation Sparks Chaos

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In an eerie silence, the fire of the revolver filled the air. Time seemed to freeze as the bullet found its mark, piercing through the stillness with deadly precision. Selena's eyes widened in agony as she was shot in the stomach, her ethereal beauty tainted by the sudden violence.

"N-no!" I cried out, my voice filled with desperation and disbelief. I struggled to move, despite my half-paralyzed state, a surge of adrenaline pushing me beyond my physical limits. But even in my feeble attempt, I couldn't reach Selena in time to prevent the tragic outcome.

As Selena collapsed, clutching her wound, Steven Reeds mocked my futile efforts. His sinister laughter echoed through the air, intertwining with the intensity of the moment.

"Heh, heh, you'll be the next one, just you wait," he taunted, relishing in the pain and suffering he had inflicted.

Meanwhile, Steven began to reload his revolver, unaware of the dormant power within me. My abilities of psychokinesis remained inaccessible, hindered by my paralyzed state. The system's error message echoed in my mind, reminding me of my limitations.




I cursed inwardly, frustration and desperation intertwining within me. I had to find a way to protect Selena, to stop Steven's rampage. But as I tried to reach for my sword, a searing pain pierced


through my back. I gasped in horror, turning my gaze to the shadow that had once tried to kill us, now returning with a vengeance.

Collapsing to the ground once again, my body weak and trembling, I could feel the lifeblood draining from me, the bleeding showing no signs of abating. My vision blurred as Steven's sadistic voice pierced through the haze of pain.



"NO! NO! NO! You can't die yet! I have one more bullet for you, you bastard!" Steve shouted

"You! Fucking summon! You can't even do one job huh?" he spat, his words filled with contempt while looking at the Shadow

I glared at him, a mixture of defiance and resignation in my eyes. "Look at this sadistic bastard," I thought inwardly, my mind drifting to memories that surfaced amidst the chaos and impending death.

Within the depths of my fading consciousness, fragments of memories emerged—memories that may have been mine or Loid's. They were images of Selena, barely alive, lying in a forest, and of Loid's unwavering care and protection.

Then, another memory surfaced, vague yet intriguing—a mysterious woman adorned with intricate tattoos. The details were hazy, leaving me uncertain of their significance. I wondered if it was a delusion or a glimpse into Loid's past.

Amidst the pain and uncertainty, a thought echoed within me. "Can't blame me for dying as a virgin," I mused bitterly, finding a glimmer of dark humor in the face of imminent demise.

But even in the face of death, a flicker of determination remained. I couldn't let Selena's sacrifice be in vain. With the little strength I had left, I whispered a final plea, "Please, Selena, find a way to...."

And as I lay there, on the brink of oblivion, I couldn't help but acknowledge the bitter irony of dying with thoughts of a woman in my mind. But perhaps, at that moment, it didn't matter anymore.

The world around me faded, and the darkness claimed me, leaving the unanswered questions to linger in the air.

It was this time when my barely audible voice lingered for the last time

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