Chapter 34: Church of Eliaya I

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June 15 -  8:30

Former Kingdom of Alfreya, Church of Eliaya

The church of Eliaya, once a beacon of faith and grandeur, now lay in ruin, its once majestic spires reduced to crumbling remnants of a bygone era. As Elio and I stepped through the shattered entrance, a sense of solemnity enveloped us, a stark contrast to the vibrant echoes of worship that once filled these hallowed halls.

The interior bore the scars of neglect and decay, with fragments of stained glass windows scattered amidst piles of rubble. Shafts of dusty sunlight filtered through the broken panes, casting ethereal patterns on the cracked stone floor below.

The altar, once a symbol of divine reverence, now stood weathered and worn, its intricate carvings obscured by layers of dust and debris. A sense of desolation hung heavy in the air, as if the very walls lamented the absence of the faithful who once gathered here in prayer.

Vines and ivy crept through the broken windows and gaping crevices, reclaiming the sacred space with relentless determination. Nature had woven its tendrils around every corner, transforming the once-pure sanctuary into a tangled labyrinth of overgrowth and decay.

The pews, once filled with devout worshippers, now lay overturned and splintered, their faded cushions bearing the weight of countless forgotten prayers. 

The silence was deafening, broken only by the faint rustle of leaves and the distant echoes of our footsteps.

Elio and I moved cautiously through the dilapidated nave, our senses alert for any sign of the elusive clues we sought. But amidst the wreckage and ruin, there was no trace of the missing reconnaissance troops or the answers we desperately sought.

As we reached the apse, the focal point of the church's architecture, a sense of reverence washed over me. Though stripped of its former glory, this sacred space still held a palpable sense of divine presence, a lingering echo of the faith that once filled these walls.

I glanced at Elio, his expression mirroring my own sense of awe and reverence. Despite the desolation that surrounded us, there was a flicker of hope in his eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the unknown possibility

Both of them moved toward to inspect the area. To be honest, I had no idea where to move from there. So, I came before what seemed to be a statue of a goddess, and then I activated my <psychometry>.

The environment around me shifted as I tapped into this skill, perceiving it in a unique way.

Suddenly, the world turned black and white, reminiscent of the televisions from the 80s. It was a stark contrast to the vibrant colors of reality, yet it gave an odd feeling. The grayscale landscape seemed to heighten my senses, making every detail stand out with clarity.

As I moved closer to the statue, the sensation grew stronger. When I stood directly beneath it, the feeling was at its peak. Experimentally, I tilted my head to the left, but there was no significant change. However, as I tilted my head to the right, the sensation intensified once more. It was subtle, but I was fairly certain that it indicated the direction I was facing.

Gazing up at the statue, I noticed the intricacies of its design. The hands of the goddess seemed to be in a peculiar position, resembling a gesture of prayer or perhaps reading hands, though I couldn't interpret it fully. Determined to explore further, I began climbing toward the outstretched hands, which appeared farther away than I had anticipated.

Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. "Hey, what are you doing?" It was Elio, his tone curious yet tinged with distrust. Ignoring his question, I replied solemnly, "What do you think? Obviously finding clues." Elio seemed taken aback by my response, muttering annoyedly in response.

"Shut up for a moment, can you?" I snapped impatiently, not bothering to look back as I focused on the task at hand. Eventually, I reached the hands of the goddess's statue, sensing an abnormality in the positioning of her fingers. One of the pinky fingers was turned in the wrong direction.

Summoning my strength, I carefully adjusted the finger into the proper position, mimicking the gesture of reading hands. As the finger clicked into place, the ground beneath us shook, and a hidden entrance was revealed.

"H-Hey Loid, what did you do?" Elio asked, his voice filled with apprehension. It was a question I had anticipated, so I replied matter-of-factly, "What it seemed like. It appears the hidden area has revealed itself, so we can't help it, can we?"

I shook my head, contemplating our next move. "We should regroup now. It could be dangerous to explore an unidentified area on our own."

"Alright, you win. I'll inform the others," Elio nodded in agreement, though there was a flicker of something unsettling in his eyes as he spoke.

Once Elio left, I found myself alone in the deserted church. I wandered over to a pew and sank down onto it, resting my head against the back. Exhaustion washed over me, and despite my best efforts to stay awake, I couldn't resist the pull of sleep.

As I drifted off, I reasoned that Elio would take at least thirty minutes to gather the others and return. It should be safe to rest for a short while, I assured myself before succumbing to slumber.

Before long, my surroundings melted away, and I found myself transported to a different place altogether.

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