Chapter 21: A Nightmare or an Illusion?

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the tick-tock of a clock reverberates through the silent halls

The sound echoes, creating an enigmatic atmosphere within the abandoned mansion.

As time passes, the clock's relentless ticking intensifies, creating a sense of anticipation.




Suddenly, a clap of thunder resounds, its powerful rumble filling the hall and breaking the eerie stillness. The thunder's echo lingers, adding to the haunting atmosphere.


Following the thunder, a gentle pitter-patter ensues as raindrops fall, echoing through every room. The rain's touch wets the windows, woodwork, and vegetation, permeating every nook and cranny of the mansion, as if cleansing it from its desolate state.

Yes... a mansion, a very big house where no living, lies here

The servants, in their movements, seem possessed, their actions controlled by an invisible force that manipulates their fate like marionettes on strings.

The guards, stationed throughout the mansion, stand motionless, their expressions devoid of any emotion, resembling lifeless puppets.

Within this grand residence, devoid of any signs of life, two figures stand out—the only inhabitants.

Within the labyrinthine chambers of this abandoned mansion, where life no longer thrives,

Stood the only livings,



A melancholic duet begins, the notes of a piano and violin intertwining in a somber embrace.

A young girl with pink hair delicately touches the keys of the piano, her fingers dancing across the ivory with a sorrowful grace.

Beside her, a boy with jet-black hair draws his bow across the strings of the violin, coaxing out mournful melodies that resonate with a bittersweet longing.

Their music permeates the stagnant air, filling each room and corridor with an otherworldly aura.

Yet, their performance is not merely sorrowful; it possesses a strange, paradoxical allure that captivates and rejuvenates the soul.

As the spectral sounds continue to echo through the forlorn mansion, it seems as though the music itself holds secrets untold, a lamentation for a forgotten past, and a promise of redemption yet to come.

Together, their sorrowful melody resonates throughout the mansion, filling the void with a bittersweet melancholy.

Each note played and every stroke of the bow carries a weight of emotions, as if the music itself mourns the forgotten lives that once graced these halls.

Yet, within the melancholy, there is also a subtle sense of solace, offering a momentary respite from the desolation that permeates the abandoned mansion.

Unbeknownst to the mysterious ambiance that enveloped the abandoned mansion, a flicker of light pierced the darkness. Igniting a match, someone sought to bring a warm glow or maybe a hidden glint into this silent realm, unaware of the secrets that lay hidden within its walls.



Amidst another sorrowful scene, rain continued to echo through the atmosphere, intensifying the somber mood.

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