Chapter 16: Fire and Shadow

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Wednesday, 23 November 1789, 8:50pm

Country: Eldoria

Location: Helios Academy, Hidden Basement


The figure stood before me, their hood casting a veil of darkness over their face. I could feel the weight of their presence, an imminent threat that sent a chill down my spine. As they spoke, their voice reverberated through the chamber, sending echoes of warning and malice.

"I see you've come, Loid and Angela. Your interference ends here," the figure declared with an unsettling calmness.


The sound of bones snapping resonated in the air as the figure's power manifested. From the darkness, four large shadowy hands emerged, each one grabbing hold of my limbs and clamping tightly around my mouth, rendering me immobile and mute.


I struggled against the suffocating grip of the shadowy hands, my eyes wide with alarm. I tried to speak, to use my psychokinetic abilities, but I was rendered helpless. The figure's power was overwhelming, surpassing my own.

As the figure restrained me, their hand covering my mouth, a sinister gas seeped from their touch, permeating the air around me. Its insidious tendrils invaded my senses, causing my strength to wane and a numbing sensation to spread throughout my body.

As the gas flowed through me, my body finally paralyzed. Panic coursed through my veins as I realized the extent of the figure's power. My mind raced, searching for a way to break free from this nightmarish situation.

As I fought against my restraints, my gaze flickered toward Angela, hoping she could intervene. But as if taunting my desperation, the figure swiftly moved toward her.

Angela, witnessing Loid's predicament, attempted to unleash her pyrokinetic powers, summoning flames to combat the shadow's hold on her friend. But before she could strike, the shadows moved with remarkable speed.


In an instant, the shadow figure materialized beside Angela—shimmer. With a single, devastating blow, he struck her square in the gut.


Angela was thrown backward, her body crashing against the chamber's wall. The impact caused cracks to spider web across the stone.


Gasping for breath and struggling to regain her composure, Angela fought against the pain that wracked her body. She knew she had to protect Loid, even if it meant facing this shadow figure alone.

Gathering her strength, Angela rose to her feet. Flames danced around her fingertips, their intensity growing with each passing moment. She gripped her spear tightly, ready to unleash her pyrokinetic fury.

"Stay away from him!" Angela shouted, her voice laced with determination.

The shadow figure turned his attention toward Angela, his obscured face seeming to smirk beneath the hood. He slowly advanced, as if toying with her, his every step accompanied by an eerie silence.


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Angela unleashed a torrent of fire toward the shadow, casting bright light upon the chamber.


But the shadows seemed to absorb the flames, leaving the figure unscathed.


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